1. The island

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Kiara's pov

We've been on this island for a while now, by JJ's count 18 days already. It was fun for the first few days, but it's not anymore. The nights are cold, it's constantly raining and everyone is fighting over the smallest things. I have a lot of trouble sleeping, as does JJ. We're talking a lot at night, close together to keep us warm. I'm not sure if my parents miss me, they looked happy the last time I saw them. I look up from my thoughts when I feel drops of water on my shoulder. "Shit, the roof is leaking!", I shout to my friends who are a little further away.
The guys fix it and not even a minute later it stops raining, of course. I decide to go out and look for food for tonight. "Wait, I'm coming with you!", I hear Sarah say. We walk over to the forest behind us.

"I'm so done with all of this, I can't wait to sleep in a normal bed and eat normal food again", she says.
"I feel you", I say smiling. "These boys are starting to get on my nerves"
"Only starting, the constant picking fights with each other and all of them wanting to be the best and the strongest. Poor Cleo, she probably thinks we're crazy for ever hanging out with them in the first place."
I laugh, it feels good to remember that it doesn't all suck.

About an hour later we come back to the camp with some fruit we found. It wasn't much, but it was something. Luckily the boys caught some fish again. We see the sun sink into the sea while sitting around the fire and there is peace and quiet for once. I get cold and when JJ notices he puts an arm around me. "You okey, Kie?" I just nod, I don't feel like talking. The peace and quiet doesn't last long as we hear Pope scream. "Omg guys, am I going nuts or is that a boat!" He points to the ocean. He isn't going nuts or we all are, because there in the ocean is a large ship. John B runs to get the flare gun, he fires it twice and we wait...and wait... and wait. I look around and see the hope on the faces of my friend fade. Until we see two bright, red lights coming from the ship. We're saved, we're going home. I see how happy everyone is and smile, hiding how nervous I am to see my parents again.

Sarah's pov
Here we are, on a ship again. This time we're safe. I curl up close to John B and as he wraps his arms around me I realize how tired I am. Pope is calling home, we hear his father's joy when he hears his son's voice. I glance at Kiara next to me, she's nervous. I take her hand and reassure her that it will be okay. Pope hangs up and gives the phone to Kiara, since she is the last one with a family worth calling. "Your turn, Kie"

"Hey mom."
"Kiara, is that you?"
"Yeah, it's a long story, but we're coming home."

They both start crying and JJ pulls Kie into a hug. It's dead silence and we all just sit there. Exhausted, starving and very cold despite the blankets. The moment we reach the Outer Banks we get checked out by a doctor before stepping into a police car to the restaurant of Kiara's parents.

This is the first time I'm writing something like this and it's not in my native language, so I hope you will like it. Leave your suggestions or reaction behind, I would love to read them :)
X claraxnotce

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