Chapter 2: U

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Fred The Third found Fred Bunder sulking on the steep hill leading to The Menai Strait.
"Hey Fred Bunder." Fred The Third said the third.
"Go away." Fred sighed, "I wanna spend my my day out alone."
"Ok, but after. I have something to show you." Fred III said.
He grabbedd Freds hand and dragged him to a go kart with a side kart attached.
"What am I looking at?" Fred asked.
The kart was hand made by Fred III and looked as if it was barely holding together.
"It's my time machine." Fred The Third told.

They got in and Fred III started the engine and began rolling down the hill.
"Um... we're gonna hit the river." Fred said.
"No we're not!" Fred III laughed as he plugged a crystal into the engine and they took the rainbow road to the future!

They reappeared in 2041!
"Cardiff." Fred III said III, "My home."
He took his new friend to his big fancy mansion house which stood alone in a giant field. But Fred III is stupid and crashed the kart just outside the house.
"Oops." He laughed and rolled it into the garage.

"Yea, someone stole the other crystal:(." Fred III told.
"Stole it? How? Who?"

Meanwhile, in 2010. Waluigi still had the haunted disk, and he was on his way to Tumblr.
He walked through the big Tumblr doors and swaggered his way to the front desk.
"I have an appointment with Tumblr!" He declared.
"What's the subject?" The receptionist asked.
"My creepy pasta, of the haunted Mario Kart!"
"Ok, name sir."
", sir."
"...Ted Skunder."

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