What Really Happened

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    TW: suicide/self-harm, E.Ds, and other sensitive subjects are mentioned during this book.

Veronica sat on her bed staring at the ceiling. She was thinking about J.D. It had been three months since J.D died. She felt awful for missing him since he killed her best friend - and worse enemy,  Heather. He also killed Kurt and Ram, who were assholes, but still they had room to grow; they were just seventeen.

Veronica spent most nights snuggled in a trenchcoat of J.D's while crying. She would relive the moment when she saw J.D blow up except for she didn't see him blow up. She turned around before the bomb blew up. Over the three months, she convinced herself she saw it happen.

As Veronica sat on the bed, she looked outside. She saw the trees lightly sway in the cool breeze as she thought of her and J.D's game of croquet which lead to them killing Heather. As Veronica cried she softly said, "dammit Jason Dean," as she cried harder trying to repress the memories, but the more she tried, the memories of them came flooding back to her.

Veronica sat on her bed with a pocketknife as she began to dig it into her skin. She was sobbing; her dark chocolate eyes were now red, puffy, and soaked in tears. Veronica grew suicidal as she felt like there was no point of life. J.D was her excitement, her love, her well everything. J.D was her drug.

As Veronica cut her arm, she heard a knock on her window. She shook it off as she was probably imagining it.

Suddenly she heard her window lock be snapped off. Veronica turned around, and saw a tall man. It wasn't just any man but it was J.D. "Hey Ronnie," J.D said softly before looking at her face and her arms. He quickly ran over. "Ronnie, please stop, Ronnie please." He said as he scouped Veronica into his arms before sitting back down on his bed. "Your alive?" She asked before dropping the knife. "Yes, but enough about me. Ronnie, tell me why you've done this. " J.D told Veronica. His bad boy persona was now a sweet, caring persona. He wiped Veronica's eyes with his thumb. "Y-you left me. I couldn't without you. I wanted to be with you. You died. This isn't real!" Veronica told him before breaking down in tears again. "Ronnie, You didn't see me die. Seconds before the bomb blew, I ran out of the way. I wanted to stay because I wanted to be with you. I didn't want another guy to be with you." J.D said as he brushed Veronica's hair out of her face. "Let me fix your arm, and you get rest." He told her before setting her down. "You have a first aid kit in here?" J.D asked. Veronica answered, "top drawer of my desk." J.D went to her desk, and got the first aid kit. He softly bandaged her arm. He tucked her in her bed before getting in the bed. Veronica, although feeling tired and in pain from crying and cutting herself, gave him a soft kiss before drifting off.

Cuts (J.D x Veronica) (Heathers)Where stories live. Discover now