In Jimmy's Lab...

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After Jimmy collects everyone, Danny begins asking what's going on.

Danny: So, what's the problem Jimmy?

Jimmy: I'm glad you asked Danny, each one of your worlds' villains has teamed up and copied my duplicate of the dimensional portal I built and is using it to build a doomsday machine to conquer the world.

It then shows each villain on the screen one by one.

Jimmy: They are the using the energy from your worlds to power this device. That is why we are going to stop them from winning.

Lincoln: This is great! I get to be a hero like I promised my sisters.

Timmy: So your the boy with ten sisters Jimmy was talking about. Geez how do you do it?

Lincoln: I've gotten used to it, that's how.

Timmy: I see, and the tall blonde kid, you must Henry Hart or Kid Danger, which is awesome since I love superheroes.

Henry: Yep, and I even have super fast reflexes!

Lincoln and SpongeBob: Wait, so you can dodge attacks? Awesome!!

Henry: I thought it was when I got them!

SpongeBob: Who's the small little girl?

Jimmy: That would be Dora the Explorer. In her world, she's pretty great at exploring, speaking Spanish, and solving riddles.

Lincoln: Interesting, so Dora, how do you solve these riddles?

Dora: Well, there's this grumpy old troll who lives under a bridge, and in order to pass his bridge, I have to solve a riddle. They usually ate tough, but once I solve them, I can then pass. I was on my way to see my cousin Diego but then when I heard Swiper was up to no good, I just had to come help you guys. What's your name again.

Lincoln: It's Lincoln, Lincoln Loud.

Dora: Nice to meet you. What are the rest of your names so I know them. I've already met Jimmy.

SpongeBob: I'm SpongeBob SquarePants!

Timmy: I'm Timmy Turner!

Danny: I'm Danny Phantom!

Henry: I'm Henry Hart, also known as the superhero Kid Danger.

Dora: Nice to meet you all!

Jimmy: Alright team, we need to decide on where we are going to start.

Danny: How about Amity Park?

Jimmy: Anybody who votes no?

They all vote in favor of Danny's suggestion.

Jimmy: Alright, Amity Park it is.

They jump into the portal except Jimmy.

Jimmy: You guys, can you protect the lab from Calamitous while I'm gone.

Everyone (sans Jimmy): Sure!

Jimmy then jumps into the portal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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