Grabbing Dora the Explorer...

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In Dora's world, Boots and Dora try to find ways to pass the trolls bridge.

Dora: Come on Troll! We've tried everything and you still won't let us through?

Boots: Yeah!

Baxter Troll: I'll only let you through if you solve my riddle!

Dora: What was the riddle again?

Mr. Troll: What has two eyes but can't see?

Boots: Oooh! Is it a button?

Troll: Correct!! You can pass.

Goddard then appears.

Dora: Oh hey! It's a weird metal looking dog.

Boots: Yeah. Never seen anything like it before.

Jimmy then speaks.

Jimmy: Dora the Explorer? Can you hear me?

Dora: Yes, I can. Who are you?

Jimmy: I'm Jimmy, and believe me when I say this, but I'm your friend. Swiper the Fox has teamed but with the Evil Syndicate and plans to help them conquer the world! I need you to come to my lab.

Dora: Wait, what does conquer the world mean?

Jimmy: It means that a evil villain wants to rule it.

Dora: I've thought I've told Swiper he can't have my stuff I need for my adventures. I thought that fox changed but I guess he lied. Boots, stay here and make sure Swiper doesn't cause trouble.

Boots: Okay!

Dora: Um Jimmy, how do I get to your 'lab'?

Jimmy: Just jump into this portal and you'll enter my lab.

Dora: Alright.

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