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You just graduated college and you were going to see your mom.

You were excited to see her because the only time you talk to her is through phone.

Her best friend Wanda has been living there after a nasty breakup with her ex-boyfriend Vision. She was a beautiful women last time you've seen her.

She took your room so you don't know what she did to it before you left.

You pulled up through the drive through seeing two cars. You walked up to the door and unlocked it with the key. You instantly saw the difference between now and before you left. Pictures of you and your mom and Wanda was there.

"OMG SWEETIE. I MISSED YOU!" You heard your mom yelled. She grabbed you, pulling you in a tight hug. "M-mom I c-can't b-breathe." You said struggling to say the sentence "Oh I'm sorry I just missed you!" She said letting you go.

"God you're so pretty." She played with your hair a little "Thanks Mom." That's when Wanda walked in. "Omg! Hey Lyubov you look so pretty!" You looked at Wanda and felt like you were gonna creme your panties.

Wanda was even more beautiful than before. Her brown/red color hair falls down her shoulders, the way her green eyes lighten up when she saw you, her body looked perfect in that outfit.

You were stunned "Sweetheart you remember Wanda. Right?" Your mom said snapping you out of your thoughts. "Y-yeah. Hi Wanda." You were probably a blushing mess. Silence filled the room as you and Wanda looked at each other.

"So, are you hungry?" Your mom broke the silence "Yes. I haven't ate anything since last night." You answer honestly. You knew how your mom was when you didn't eat food. "Y/n you know you should be eating." She scolded you lightly. You just smiled as she walked into the kitchen.

You sat on the couch and Wanda followed you "Well, how was college?" Wanda tried making conversation "Um it was good." Another silence filled the room. Your eyes trailed down her body as her jean fit perfectly around her waist and her black shirt showed her curves.

She watched as your eyes roamed over her. She felt like a goddess being observed by you and she couldn't help but, do the same. This was the woman that helped your mom raise you.

She was practically your second mom and the thoughts you had of this woman were wrong. "I made you favorite!" Your mom came in with some food "Awe thanks mom you didn't have too." You started eating the food, moaning at the taste.

"So you got a boyfriend yet?" Your mom said making you choke on your food "Mom!" You yelled blushing "What? I just wanna know if my daughter have a love interest?" You ignored the question and changed the subject "Well mom where do I sleep?" You asked.

"Uh I'm sorry Wanda is in your room. You could take the couch or-" You cut her off "Oh no! I'm not sleeping on that rock I'll just sleep with Wanda." Over the years you've slept on that couch and all it causes is back problems.

You would rather take the risk sleeping with Wanda then having back problems. You looked at Wanda and saw her smiling at you. It gave you butterflies but, you pushed them away.

"I know we need a new couch it hurts my butt!"Your mom agreed. You finished your food "Imma go get my bags out the car." You got up and made your way to your car. You grabbed bags and felt a hand on your shoulder.

Jumping you turned back and saw Wanda inches away from your face. "Your mom told me to help you." She smiled. You just stood there like an idiot staring at her. You mumbled a 'thanks' and walked away.

Wanda was still at the car smiling 'Soon you will be mine." She thought grabbing your bags.

Later In The Day

WANDA MAXIMOFF IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now