Chapter 2~ Weird Feeling...?

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                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SEEK'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After I left the library, I began to worry about Figure. Figure is usually alone in the library. I tried to ignore my feeling, and I decided to chase some people. Many people died today as I regain strength and speed. Figure really helped me today...I guess I should- never mind...I began to kill many people now. The other entities were kind of praising me now, they weren't mocking me anymore. I heard that I was the best entity in this hotel now, which made me feel happy. Finally, I got some attention from the entities. Once there were no more people, I decided to pay Figure a visit.

             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FIGURE'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was pretty lonely when Seek was gone...I heard he was the best now, which is awesome! I heard a knock on my door, I was hoping it was Seek. I had a hard time looking for the door, but I found the door after hearing the knocking sounds. I opened the door, and I was waiting for them to speak. "Hello there Figure! It is me, Seek. I have something to say." is what I heard...I cannot believe it! It was Seek...I was glad that he was back. "Oh- uhm, hey Seek!-" I replied awkwardly, feeling a bit embarrassed since I didn't know how to greet him. "Well...I just have something- um...I just have something to say..." he replied to me. No offense to him, but he replied to me awkwardly as well...I wonder what was going on.

                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SEEK'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I was talking to him awkwardly because I was still thinking if I should even tell him about how grateful I was. I mean yeah, sure I could but in what way? How? I don't wanna say something I was confused...I decided to say "Oh, by the way, let us sit down before I tell this "thing", you know?". He nodded, and I guided him to the couch. So, I took a deep breath and said it to him. "I just wanna say that I am so grateful because of made me one of the best entities in this helped me became are the only person I trust...and I just wanna say I am very grateful...thank you..." I said to him, hoping he would understand what I just said.

             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FIGURE'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After he said all of that, I felt...happy...I didn't feel alone inside anymore...I felt so grateful as well...I was glad that he is my friend...he was the only one who cared about me...I felt...good. "T-t-t-!" I said, I was trying to say thank you, but I mumbled instead, and I struggled...he said "Y-you good...Figure?" and I replied "Well...sorry...I just mumbled...anyways I just wanted to say thank you for that speech...I appreciated made me feel important..." I said strongly. I felt his arms around me. I knew that he hugged me. I hugged him back as well. "I love much..." I said quietly, quietly enough that he didn't hear me.

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