4 New Rules

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Giles sat in silence for some time. The sun outside, began to lower itself behind the trees. The butler wiped a bead of sweat from his brow and stood up.
It was time to find what he needed to begin this new horror. Giles reached under his bed and searched until his hand brushed a leather chest. He pulled it out and sat back down. He didn't think he would have to use this but here he was after all. Giles lifted the lid.

Inside, was a variety of lethal weapons. There was a taser, a small knife, a small spear, a revolver, a poisonous dart gun, an axe, and a very large gun. Giles did not know much about guns but he knew it was big and deadly and that's all he needed. He reached into the chest and pocketed the small knife. Yes, this would do nicely.

* * * * * * * * *

It was very early in the morning but Giles was wide awake and ready for the day ahead. He often found it easier to wake up early. With a groan, he stumbled out of bed and into a set of clothes he would never have worn if it wasn't for the camp. Could it have been a nightmare? He mused. Last night had passed by in a blur, maybe it had never happened after all. With this hope, he took one last look at his atrocious outfit, then walked out the door and into the unknown.

Summer was waiting for him outside of her office. "Good morning to you sir, let me get Calvin." She disappeared behind a white door. Several minutes passed in which Giles turned to his surroundings. He was standing under an awning of a small white building, there were flowers on the porch in varying shades of purple. He began to sweat. Despite the temperature being just above freezing, the whole nature of the camp, wrapped around Giles like a thick wool blanket, smothering him.

A few minutes later, the couple was leading Giles down a veering path to a great tent. Under it, there were various games. "Here is where everyone will meet tomorrow." Calvin was saying as he walked them through the tent. "You will want to remember that I will have a bonfire just outside the tent. It should warm them." He shivered. Summer squeezed her husbands arm. "I hate that it's so cold, we should go inside."

The temperature was sort of odd now that Giles thought about it. The killers in the past had never chosen to use a cold environment but what could he do about it? Actually, he intended to do a lot about it. After his brief tour, Giles stepped behind the main office building.

He looked at the knife glinting in his hand. The killer was not going to get away with such a disgusting idea. Giles was going to make absolutely sure of that. He wanted to laugh at himself knowing he probably looked so ridiculous holding a knife. He raised the knife and practiced slashing it the way he had seen Natalie do to Caleb. He was a new man. It was time for some new rules.

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