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Arhaan Adnan Shaikh sat outside an operation theatre with tear filled eyes feeling helplessness creeping inside him slowly and steadily. Never in his life he would have ever thought that the great and young buisness tycoon who thought that, he can buy everything through his money will ever sit outside an operation theatre feeling ever so helpless. No money can buy a medicine that can bring her back to him. Has he really lost her forever?

As he was lost in his thoughts he felt someone squeezing his shoulder ever so lightly he looked up and saw that it was none other than his brother Aziz and Adil, he immediately stood up and hugged both of them tightly. For the first time since he had recieved a phone call about his wife's accident he let out a cry.

He cried bitterly finding comfort, he was not at all ashamed to show his brothers that how vulnerable he was at this moment. Just then he felt someone's hand over his shoulder as he turned around he found that there stood Taiyab uncle who had brought up Barkaat has his own daughter. His eyes were all teary but he still had smile on his face and he nodded towards Arhaan in a hope.

"How did all this happen?" Aayat asked with a heavy voice to which, Arhaan looked at her with guilt in his eyes but he blinked it away quickly not showing anyone his guilty side, he didn't want them to know that before the accident both of them had an argument so he told them a white lie. "I don't know! I just got a  call stating that Barkaat's car got into an accident with a truck and she had been admitted into this hospital.”

Aayat slammed down on the nearby chair while Aziz tried to console her. "Aayat please control yourself it is not good for you and baby to be stressed." Aayat looked at him with an incredulous look, "Your incorrigible Aziz how can you say such a thing."

"What did, I say?" Aziz countered back to which Taiyab uncle cut in the tension between them. "Aayat, Aziz is right you need to calm down beta." He said while crassesing her hair, Hayat and Adil didn't utter a word and stayed there quietly.

After sometime a nurse comes out of an operation theatre and everyone expects Arhaan to run towards her asking for his wife's well being, whereas Arhaan sat there lost in his thoughts.

"So this is what you were hiding from me for so long right Barkaat?" Arhaan shouted throwing  the pictures of herself with some other man  they both seemed very much into love and happy. Barkaat kept on looking at the picture in shock for a while then she composed herself and smiled at Arhaan.

"Arhaan you are getting it all wrong it's not what you think. Actually..." Before she could complete her sentence Arhaan gave her humour less laugh and clapped in mock that is when she realised that he was drunk. "Arhaan..." Barkaat tried to hold him as he was about to fall. But he jerked away her hand and gave her a look of disgust, "you are having an affair behind back and now you are here to tend to me wow!" He slurred and said these words.

Barkaat was shocked listings to him hold on to her composer as she knew that it was just a big misunderstanding on his side and she just needed to clear it out with a calm mind. But it was not possible right now as he was drunk and he was in the state of holding a mature conversation right now.

"You need to get sober first then we will talk about it." Barkaat said while leaving the house to himself, "you know what, Rehana was right about all along." He slurred, Barkaat turned around and gave him a dubious look. "What do you mean and why are you talking about your ex girlfriend?" She asked with a tint of jealousy.

Arhaan kind of snorted at her and said, "why are you jealous now, you can have an affair behind my back and I  Barkat to Mannat anytime now.

"Really, then what were you doing in that restaurant with him and why are both of you laughing and hugging each other?" Arhaan asked as he held her through her forearms. Barkaat tried to remove his hold from her, because firstly he was hurting her and secondly she was disgusted with his touch at the moment. "Stop it! Arhaan you are hurting me." Barkaat said with a cracked voice, but Arhaan just tightened his hold on her and said, "Am, I?"

"I am hurting you now, then here you go." He said and left her arms with force, which made Barkaat staggered back a few steps. She almost lost her balance and was about to fall on stomach when she took hold of a sofa arm rest. This was the last straw for her and turned around to Arhaan with intensified rage in her eyes. "I came here to tell you something very important, but now I think that you don't deserve to learn it and now you will never be able to look at my face ever again." Barkaat shouted at him and left from there while she was the threshold of the house he remembers what he said to her.

"Yeah, go for all you want. You can go wherever and with whomever you want to go with, I don't give a damn and I wish that I don't have to see your face ever again." 

These were his last words to her and he didn't know that he would regret it so soon. "How is Mannat where is she?" Arhaan heard a male voice, he looked up to find the source of voice but the person's face was blurry and at that time he came to realise that his eyes were full of unshed tears.

Arhaan wiped my tears and the face of the person cleared in front of him. He was asking Tayab uncle about Barkaat's well begin and why the hell he was calling her Mannat. "Who the hell are you?" Arhaan asked him in low hiss the person turned around to look at him and said, "I am Rehaan." Before he could do anything else, Arhaan grabbed his collar and started punching him hard on his face.

"How dare you come here?"

"It's all because of you that my Barkaat is in this condition."

"And why the hell are you calling her Mannat?" Arhaan asked all these questions while he kept on punching Rehaan hard on his face. On the other hand Rehaan didn't say or did anything he kept on getting the blow of a punch and after every punch he tried to reason out but was showered with another blow.

Tayab uncle Aziz and Adil tried their best to stop Arhaan but it seems that Arhaan could only see red through his eyes. "Stop it!" A voice and a lady came along with some hospital staff on their way. "Stop it sir this is a hospital you can't behave this way." One of the staff chided Arhaan while he just growled at them. Aziz and Adil had held Arhaan back but as soon as the hospital staff left, Arhaan freed himself from them and was about to give punch to Rehaan when someone stopped his fist in mid air.

"Barkaat!" That's all he could manage to say when the girl in front of him smiled and shook her and said in a melodious voice. "I am Barkaat, my name is Jannat and he is my husband."

Arhaan took hold of shoulders and shook her furiously, "Are you out of mind? Can you imagine what I went through when I learnt that you met with an accident and here you are claiming yourself to be Jannat and his wife." He shouted when he heard someone say, "She is right Arhaan." It was Tayab uncle who had spoken in all this fasio after all.

"What do you mean?" Aziz asked which Tayab uncle took a deep breath and continued, "she is Jannat, Mannat's twin sister." Arhaan kept on looking baffled. "Who the hell is Mannat are we talking about, she is my Barkaat." He almost shouted. To which Tayab uncle shook his head and said, "she is Mannat."



"And why?" All three brothers asked. "I will tell you everything is coming here." Tayab uncle said he took a seat in the waiting room bench.

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