Chapter 1 :- The Beinginning.

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"Mumma!!!! Papa!!!" I shouted as I was running through a thick forest surrounded with tree and shrubs everywhere. I looked around and found no one there, where everyone has gone leaving me here. Me and my family which includes my mother, father, brother and a small sister.

"Ahemad!!!! Nikhat!!!" I called them again but there was no replies to my calls. Finally I reached were we had put our tents we had come here for camping and while we went for tracking I lost my way and got separated with them.

As I reached there I found blood everywhere seeing this my heart rate increase and I picked up my phase and ran towards our camping area.

After coming there what I saw made me completely froze on my spot. Mumma and papa laid there lifeless while my younger siblings were missing. I looked around frantically searching for them.

"Ahemad!!! Nikhat!!! Kaha ho tum donno??" I cried desperately looking here and there for them but there was no response. "Ahemad!!! Nikhat!!" I called out again just then I heard some rustling noise behind the bushes. I moved towards the bushes and found my siblings there all sweaty and covered with dirt they were crying frantically. I went close to them and hugged them.

After a short while we heard foot steps nearing us. I turned around covering my siblings behind my back and saw a man approaching us, man's face was not clear he had a rod in his hand as he neared us and was about to me, that's when I covered my face with my hands and screamed.

I woke up screaming and presperating frantically, my breathing were heavy. "Barkat! What happened? Here have some water." Aayat said as she rubbed my back within few minutes even Hayat Taiyab uncle and Shirin aunty came into our room. "What happened Aayat?" Taiyab uncle asked Aayat looked at him and said, "I don't know Abba, she woke up calling out for Ahemad and Nikhat's name." They all sat around me till I was calmed, "Barkat what happened fella?" Shirin aunty asked caressing my hair, I gulped down a lump in throat and said, "Aunty actually I had that dream again." I announced and everyone looked at me tensed.

"Have you taken your medicine??" Taiyab uncle asked to which I shook my head and he gave an angry look, "how many time do we have to tell you that take your medicine on time and daily." He grumbled has he handed me over my medicine, I gave him a puppy look and took the medicine from him, while Aayat gave me a glass of water. I took it from her with a smile and gulped down the whole glass in one go.

"Uncle, I don't want to take this medicine anymore." He gave me a smile and caressed my head and told me to go back to sleep. I have been taking this sleeping pills as long as I remember, hell I don't even remember a single night sleeping peacefully without taking those pills.

Since my mother and father died 16 years ago I have been not able come out of it's trauma since they left us I have been taking care of my twin siblings Nikhat and Ahemad. I was only 7 years old while Ahemad and Nikhat were 4 years old, after that incident I lived at my parents house with our trusted servant Abdullah uncle who also lost his daughter in that incident. Taiyab's uncle and his family took care of us and our needs. Ahemad and Nikhat were sent away in a boarding school in Darjeeling for their studies.

Life seems to be coming back on track for us but everything changed when my father's cousin brother came into our life. Kabir Chacha came into our life when I was 11 years old or so after our parents death Taiyab uncle was the only one who was looking after us I was in depression after Ammi and Abba's death so he kept me with himself as much as possible, because I was very close to Aayat and she helped me to forget everything that happened to us. He decided to keep Nikhat and Ahemad away from all the discussion so that it won't affect their childhood. But how could we have known that keeping them away from us just meant that we were inviting problems in our home.

It was one such day when we were waiting for Nikhat and Ahemad to come home from their boarding school for their summer vacation. They were supposed to reach home at 9.00 am in the morning, but it was late evening and still there was no sign of them. We were very worried for them and was about call police when the door bell rang and there come in Nikhat and Ahemad all fit and fine and along with them came Kabir Uncle.

He come in holding Nikhat and Ahemad hand while they both were smiling broadly. "Appi now we don't have to stay here with Uncle and Aunty we can go to our own house look who we have with us our Kabir chachu." Ahemad said, "Oh my sweet little Mannat." He said coming towards me, at that time Taiyab uncle put his hands around me and said, "she is not Mannat, she is actually Barkaat Abdullah's daughter." I looked at him confused but didn't said anything because, I trusted him blindly.

It was only one week that, Kabir uncle came into our life and he announced himself the new MD of my Father's company. Nikhat and Ahemad then revealed that he used to teach in their boarding school in Darjeeling from many years now. He took away all controls into his hand from Taiyab uncle's hand.

Since he took everything under his control my life turned miserable, he used to hit me and treat me like a maid, he even turned Nikhat and Ahemad against me saying that, I was the daughter of mere servant. Since they got to know that I wasn't their Mannat appi they started to hate me, even they treated me as servant. Abdullah baba was a nice person he treated me like his own daughter Barkaat who he lost in that incident, He filled in the place of my campinon in this big house. Kabir even took away my room and I was forced to live in servant quarters and Abdullah uncle was very kind to keep with himself.

Though he claimed that he love Ahemad and Nikhat as his own children, but I knew very well that he only has his eyes for the property they possess. He never married or that is what he said so in front of the world but he had always brought new girls in this house since, I remember because I was the always one who guided them through this house in the morning.

I thought life was not easy for me not because, I have lost my parents and my identity, but I was wrong how would I have known that, there is more to come my way. Soon I found that Abdullah uncle was suffering from cancer. I begged Kabir to save my (Barkaat's) baba but turned deft ears to pleas and soon I lost my only companion in this house.

After baba's dead life became more unfair to me. Kabir has reduced me to a mare servant of this house he even tried to stop my education. Thanks to Taiyab uncle he never succeed in his intentions. I was cut off from the expense I was getting from court stating that I am not Mannat, he took away all my money and used it to play poker game and lost in them. He didn't even let go of Ahemad and Nikhat's money and asked me to work and provide for my education as well as for my siblings, because he used all our money for his leisure lifestyle.

This resulted in our company becoming bankrupt in no time. All assets were auctioned. We even lost our beloved mansion and had shift in a three BHK flat which was Taiyab's uncle's. In all this there was only one plot that was saved by Taiyab uncle which was on my name, and on that I started my new business with the help of Aayat Hayat, which is now blooming slowly but steadily under the name of MJ's fashion.

I ran that company under my original name without anyone knowing about it only my closest aid knows about it. I am also trying very hard to save my father company which seems to impossible at this movement but, I can only hope pray to god for a miracle occur to save our company now. Because the future of twin siblings depends on this company. I sighed thinking all this when sleep engulfed me I didn't know.

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