Part 3

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warnings: cursed words, mention of dr*gs, slightly smut? So minors dni please :)

sorry for any writing mistakes </3

"What the actual fuck Munson?" is everything you're able to say as soon as you see the Eddie Munson standing in your doorframe, grinning from ear to ear because of his new found out information.
It doesn't take you 2 seconds to already make up the worst scenarios in your head.

What if he is already planning to do something stupid tomorrow? Like he always does something stupid- but like something STUPID stupid!?
Echoes in your head, over and over again, completely zoning out for a few seconds before the young man starts talking again.

"How old 'you turning Wheeler? Finally 14?" he laughs, his hair slightly jumping up and down on his torso on top of his crossed arms.
" If you do not leave this fucking room in like 2 seconds I'll chop your hair off Munson, I swear to god" you snap back at his, obviously unnecessary, comment about your age which was totally wrong.
Your eyes met his, only for a few seconds but long enough, for you to notice how his amused look, turning into a frightened one for the split of a second. Now you're the one grinning.
"Or even worse" you add, looking down to his hellfire shirt, up to his eyes again.

"You wouldn't dare Wheeler-"
"Oh I absolutely would Edward" is the last thing you're able to say before your older sister Nancy interrupts the conversation between the two of you.

"Okay,okay ladies, relax! I don't want anyone to get killed today" she laughs to lift the mood a little bit. But of course she fails, now she's the one getting venomous looks from you both.

A heavy, uncomfortable silence fills the air. No one knowing what to say next because it definitely would be rather something mean or absolutely embarrassing. To your luck, your younger brother Mike suddenly stands behind his friend, patting his shoulder slightly.

"Hey Eddie, I've got it! We can go now, I don't want you to rip off my sister's heads" he laughs nervously, looking over to you and Nancy who are still placed on your bed which was covered with a pink pillow, pink blanket and, the worst part of it, your plushies.

"Sure thing. See you tomorrow birthday girl" Eddie smirks at you, giving you one last look before turning heels and walking away from your room. Mike looks at the two of you and mouths a silent "sorry" before following Eddie downstairs, closing the door behind him.

As soon as the door slams shut, you grab one of your pillows, which are placed next to you and scream into it, so Eddie or your brother won't be able to hear anything. Even tho it's muffled because of the soft, pink cotton covering your mouth, it's still intense. It feels like you're screaming your lungs out of your body. The way you hate that boy made you feel sick. Well at least that's what you thought for the last 3 years before it happened...

You were at one of Steve's Harrington's popular parties at his home. His parents weren't there most of the time so he had the big house near the woods all to himself. To him and 90% of the Hawkins-high . Even tho Steve wasn't a student at your school anymore, he still was super popular at Hawkins-high. Everyone knew his name and face because he won the championship-game a year ago.
Ever since, he invited the students from your school to his house, doing dr*gs with them or something like that.
He knew you weren't a big fan of parties, but he still managed to convince you to come to one of them. And this was the biggest mistake you've ever made.
The party was good, great actually. You've made lots of new connections to some other students who you were dancing with in Steve's living room when you suddenly saw him entering the house.
Eddie, the freak, Munson.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me.." you mumbled to yourself, staring at the young man in the doorframe. It didn't take him a minute to notice your gaze from the living room. And there it was. His stupid, devilish, sexy grin on his even sexier lips.
You didn't waste a second to leave the dance floor, walking into Steve's kitchen where the drinks were placed.
1 shot, 2 shots, 3 shots.
You couldn't stop drinking the shots. You wanted to be able to enjoy the rest of the night, knowing that Eddie Munson, your worst enemy, now was here too.  At Steve Harrington's party.
"Why would he even invite him and me at the same time?!.." you mumbled to yourself, pouring your 4th shot down your throat which started to hurt from all the burning liquid.
"Well because I'm the one, who's responsible for the real fun" you suddenly heard a deep voice behind you. When you turned around it was clear that Eddie would stand behind you, still, you didn't want to believe it.
He was holding a bag full of We*d in his hand, smirking at you before putting it back into his jacket.
"You think you can only have fun when you take this shit?" you said, following his hand movements with your eyes while covering your chest with your arms.
"Yep, I definitely think so. Alcohol isn't enough to be able to stand the people here" was his answer while he walked over to you, taking one of the shots which were on the kitchen counter, next to you. While he poured down the shot, his gaze met yours. Dark brown eyes staring right into your soul before he placed the empty shot glass next to you again, moving a bit closer so that his body was pressed against yours.
You were able to not just feel your heart bumming against your chest, no. You were also able to feel his hard bulge pressing right into your hips.
He knew it was there, he knew it was pressing against your dress covered skin and he fucking loved it, just because of your flustered face. Your cheeks burning red, looking into another direction as fast as you could.
Not just the fact it was Eddie Munson who was so close to you- no, also the fact that he's the first boy ever, to come this close to you, made your legs feel like jelly in a split of a second.
"Don't tell me your blushing right now Y/n" he laughs and looked down at you, still being extremely close to your body. After a few seconds of silence and awkward staring, he noticed the way you shiver from his touch, taking a step back.
Yes Eddie was an asshole and yes he loved to make you angry, but he never wanted to make you feel unsafe or wanted  you to be scared of him. He just wanted to piss you off.
To your surprise, you let a soft whimper escape from your lips as soon as his body didn't touch yours anymore. Of course he noticed it, causing his grin to go even wider.
His hand found it's way to your wrist, pulling you with him, out of Steve's house and right to his Van where he slowly pressed you against the cold outside walls of it.
Everything happened so fast and you weren't even able to realize everything that happened plus, you were a way too drunk already for literally anything. Before you were able to say something that would probably make him let go off you, his lips were pressed against yours.
And you? You just stood there, not knowing what to do. Of course it wasn't your first kiss, but this one? This one was different from all the kisses you've ever had. He moved his lips in a slow, steady rhythm on top of yours. His hands wandering over your arms, down to your waist and even further to your hips where he squeezed slightly.
It was all too much for you, his soft kisses, his gentle wanted to resist so bad but just couldn't. You kissed him back, placing your arms around his neck to pull him even closer. Feeling his hot breath hitting your face and his lips turning into another devilish grin of his.

The biggest mistake you've ever made.

Ever since that day you don't know what to think about your- so called "enemy" . You always were so sure that you hate him more than anything but after that night? You weren't sure at all.
Sure you two didn't end up in his or your bed and fucked, but still- the kiss was so intense and deep that, 'till today, you still think about it.
And it already has been 7 months since that kiss at Harrington's party.

Your arms slowly let go of the pillow which is pressed against your mouth and a part of your chest, looking up to your sister who gave you a "I know he's an idiot" look before leaving the room without any comment.

"Ugh..I hate you Eddie Munson..."

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