Chapter One:

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The 3 young children jumped from tree to tree in a forrest; before landing down in an opening and gathered in a circle together.

There were 3 of them in total: 2 girls and 1 boy.

The 2 girls smiled at one another, as the boy got out a map and began to study it.

Yuina, Ehou and Himawari.

Himawari; the smallest out of the girls, spoke up first: "We did it!"

"Not just yet." Ehou spoke up next then; without looking up from the map he was holding: "We still have to actually find the flags first."

"I know." Himawari kept on smiling though.

Yuina looked at Ehou then, and spoke up: "So, where does the map say the 3 flags are at?"

Ehou hummed before answering: "Hmm, well they look quite far apart and in 3 seperate directions too."

Himawari and Yuina then gathered closer around Ehou to look down at the map, as he started pointing to where the flags were at then.

"Well, one is from the east from here. Another is on the opposite side with the same distance. And then one's up on north of the same distance too." Ehou pointed in all of the areas he mentioned.

Yuina and Himawari studied the spots that were pointed at by Ehou. They nodded then looking serious as they took it all in.

Ehou nodded too then; seeming convicted. He then folded up the map: "Alright then! Come on, let's get to it."

"Yeah!" Both Yuina and Himawari pumped up their fists.

Then they were off again...



A year later had passed, and now Hinawari was of age to start exactly doing what she dreamt of.

At first, she was never really sure about becoming a ninja, and maybe instead helping Ino in her flower shop.

But then she gave it some more actual thought, and in the end she choice-

- Hinata walked down the stairs in the morning in her pink nightgown. She had just woken up, and she washed her face in the bathroom before heading down the steps.

It was around 7 in the morning.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, and went through the doorway to the kitchen, she spotted her son: Boruto, at the table playing on his video game device.

He seemed to have been worked up on something since his shoulders were sort of tensed, but his face showed that he was somewhat having fun.

"Good morning Boruto." Hinata said from behind him smiling.

"Oh!" Boruto; whilst still pressing buttons rapidly, looked over his shoulder and blinked in surprise: "Hi mom."

"Is Himawari up?" Hinata asked then, and Boruto blinked: "Um, no she isn't."

"Then mind if you can wake her up me? I don't want her first day in the academy being late."

Boruto pouted a tad bit at this: "But I'm on this-"


"Fine fine I was only pulling your leg." Boruto paused his game, put it down and stood up.

Hinata watched him then as he left the room.

Boruto went up the stairs of the house to the second floor now, and he went down the hallway to his little sister's room.

When he reached it, the door was ajar, so he peeked into the room. The lights were off. His sister was still in bed fast asleep.

He tiptoed in then; widening the door and making sure he was quiet about it.

He tiptoed towards the bed then and looked down at Himawari. Dammit, she looked so peaceful, he felt bad for waking her up.

But, he had too.

So he put his hand on her shoulder and gently shook her; as he whispered out: "Hey. Hey, Hima. Wake up. It's morning time."

Himawari groaned as she was slowly woken up, and her eyes slightly fluted open: "H-Huh? Big brother?"

She then sat up on her elbows and rubbed at her eyes.

Boruto smiled at this, and put his hands on his knees: "Good morning Hima. Remember it's your first day at the academy. Why not get yourself ready and have some breakfast downstairs?"

Himawari hummed and nodded at this then before yawning.

Task completed.


It was finally time to head out to the academy, and Boruto took his little sister by the hand, and held it firmly and with love.

He stood outside with her; both smiling at their mother who stood by the door.

She was going to see them off.

She waved at her children: "Ok, get there safely."

"Yeah yeah." Boruto sassed.

"I mean it." Hinata frowned.

"I know I know."

"Don't worry." Himawari then chirped in happily: "My big brother is strong, he can do anything."

Hinata relaxed a little at this with a small smile, and lowering her shoulders.

Boruto winked at this at her.

Hinata chuckled a little bit at this, and then said: "Okay then I get it already. Just go. Have fun!"

The 3 then waved at one another again before the 2 kids turned to leave...


They reached the academy!

Even though she had already been to the academy before; a few times to pick up Boruto with Hinata, and just recently whilst trying for the academy entrance trial, Himawari was still pretty impressed at seeing the building right before her eyes.

Boruto watched her gape up at it with a smile on his face. He then gave her hand a light hearted squeeze: "You be okay on your own now Hima?"

Himawari looked towards her brother and nodded: "Hmm!"

"Mm. Good." Boruto; sastified, now patted his little sister on the top of her head on the hair.

He then said his goodbyes with her, and watched her enter through the doors, before putting both his hands in his pockets and turning away.

He now was walking away from the academy.


Himawari Uzumaki: New generation:Where stories live. Discover now