A Tiger Walked Into A Dorm To Find A Fish, A Clown, And A Rat

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Happy Birthday Dazai!!!!

Do you like my title? Any better ideas? Seriously, I couldn't come up with one for this story so
I'm curious how much better you guys are then me.

Au: DOA Dazai and Atsushi

Ship: a bit Fyodor x Dazai and Fyodor x Nikolai

😏Fruity Mf's

It's actually just a weird love triangle. Nikolai be in love with both of them. Fyodor be in love with both of them. And then Dazai only be fruity for Fedya~

In other words, Dazai fucks up everything.

Takes place sometime after Atsushi was kidnapped to the boat.

I tried to keep Atsushi in character but also kinda chill with the whole terrorist thing.

So this is basically just the story of how Atsushi joined the DOA. I may make a part two where they actually do things.

Fun fact: Narrator-Kun dislikes Fyodor. Has mixed feelings about Dazai. And Loves Nikolai. He also loves Poe, Higuchi, and Gin. He hates Fukuchi, Ace, and Mori. Everyone else he's pretty neutral on currently. I have to hold him at gunpoint to get him to say anything nice/neutral about Fyodor. UvU

When the narrator's lore is more spicy then the story.

Also, Headcanon used: Nikolai likes to make nicknames for other people. It can vary from a shortened version of the name, to a silly spin on the name like Siggy, to something like kitten for Atsushi or stabby mc stabbers for Akutagawa.


Atsushi sighed, feeling the cool counter against his face.

It was hot today and of course his air conditioner had the misfortune of breaking last night.

It's his day off too. But, he doesn't really know how to spend it.

So for now he just zoned out. He let his tiger senses take over, taking in the sounds and smells of the world.

The pitter-patter of small animals like squirrels and bunnies running around. The smell of barbecue from some neighbor(there was lots of houses near the dorm). The strong, pungent smell of alcohol. The voice of Dazai conversing with two unknown voices. Something about a plan and a book.

Atsushi shot up, soaking up those last tidbits of information. He frowned at the cool surface he had left.

Atsushi didn't think Dazai had the day off like him. Then again, it's Dazai.

Atsushi sighed. He had nothing better to do. Plus, now he was curious. Dazai didn't take visitors to his dorm usually, not even women. Atsushi was pretty sure Dazai liked his privacy.

The weretiger sighed, straightening up.

"Okay, guess it won't hurt to ask."


Atsushi knocked on the door. He could smell two people other then Dazai inside. Though they had gone quiet. Also, really strong alcohol.

Not long after he knocked, he heard some movement and then the two presences were gone.

Atsushi frowned, hearing someone (likely Dazai as he was the one left) come towards the door.

The door opened, revealing a smiling Osamu Dazai.

The silver haired boy sighed. "Okay. I'll get straight to the point. Who do you have in your dorm? Or rather, who did you have?" He deadpanned.

Then he thought that maybe that was to rude and backtracked, face flushed.

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