The Dazai Love-pocalypse Day 1

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Original idea from: Krysing
Go check out their book: Everyone Loves Chuuya.

It's really good!!

Ships: Basically just Dazai Harem at this point.

- In which Dazai wakes up to find that everyone(at least in Yokohama) was being nice to him. With each passing day their affection for the bandaged man grows.

What will Dazai do? Will he stop this madness? Or will he give into it?


I'll spare you a long explanation of the world and it's individuals this time around. I know all this exposition isn't necessary when it's basically just the same world. Well...except for one event. This event was rightfully named the love-pocalypse. Though some may add the name Dazai to it.

Dazai had expected this to be a normal day. Perhaps a run in with the Port Mafia or the remains of the guild, maybe even the ever annoying Fyodor. But no. This day's chaos was far worse. The first thing he noticed when entering the agency was the fact that Doppo Kunikida, the man that yelled at him in the most serious of situations, didn't yell at him for once again being late to work. Instead, and this was the strangest part, he glancing up at the suicidal man and gave him a small smile before soon returning to his work. At first Dazai brushed it off as his fellow co-workers getting back at him for all his shenanigans. It wasn't until one annoying rat started acting off did he truly believe something was wrong.

He wasn't quite so shocked but still taken aback when Ranpo came up to his desk and set down a bunch of his snacks. "What are these for?" Dazai had asked. Ranpo smiled. "For you silly." Was his simple reply before returning to his own desk. Dazai wasn't complaining. After all he had gotten free stuff.

The rest of the day went like so for the most part: Dazai would not only get compliments from the members of the agency, but he would also get compliments from almost every single person he passed by when he went on a job. Even the people he was busting complimented him. Later that evening, Atsushi presented a beautiful bouquet of Camellia's. This was not an unknown gesture to Dazai as the boy had done this before but it still bothered him.

At some point during the day, Dazai paid a visit to the Port Mafia. Just to see how they were acting in all of this. By this point he was convinced this was all some kind of prank and the agency had somehow gotten the whole city involved. Why did he believe this? You may ask. Well, despite Dazai being a genius, when it came to affection he simply malfunctions. His brain was so fried that he wasn't able to piece together that this wasn't just some prank.

As Dazai walked through the Port Mafia's headquarters not a single person tried to stop him. That wasn't too unusual. Seeing as most people feared him, especially in the Mafia. Considering his reputation as the Demon Prodigy of the Port Mafia. It made sense. Though, usually at least one or two people said something at the least. Either because they didn't recognize the man or because they were so fresh they had barely even heard of him if at all. No one stopped him when he burst through the doors to the Boss, Mori's office. When he entered Mori, along with the child he cared for(and was 100% in love with), Elise looked up at him. Mori gave him a smile, not that sinister one he often had, a seemingly genuine one. Elise's eyes shone with adoration. "Dazai!! Did you come to play with me?!" She yelled, running over to him from her place on the floor where she had been drawing with crayons. Dazai blinked as he looked down at the little girl before looking back up at Mori. Yep. They were also strange today. "Okay, who set this stupid thing up. It's starting to become bothersome." He shot out, venom lacing his voice. Mori hummed in thought. "I have no idea what you mean Dazai. To my knowledge, nothing shady is going on." He said, looking out the window. Dazai scowled. "Okay what the hell?! The agency was one thing but who's idea was it to rope the entire damn city into this?!" He yelled. Elise flinch, startled by the outburst. Dazai was not okay. His mind was scattered. He was meant to be the one messing with peoples emotions, not the other way around. Mori sighed, a concerned expression plastered on his face. "Dazai...we haven't done anything. Are you feeling alright? This isn't like you." He insisted. Dazai scoffed before turning and almost stomping off. He was so done with this.

As Dazai approached his home he got a bad feeling that something worse was about to happen. When he got home he immediately noticed that the door was unlocked. He panicked for a moment. But then relaxed when he figured it might have been someone from the agency. The President has a copy of all the room keys just in case something happens. He sighed before opening the door. He immediately regretted it. When he opened the door he was greeted by the sight of the ugliest damn rat in the world. He seethed when he saw Fyodor Dostoevsky sitting on his couch, glass of wine in hand. The man turned his head to look at Dazai. "Ah, welcome home Dazai. Do come over and have a seat." He said, waving the glass around. A sudden crash got Dazai's attention. Another intruder? What he didn't expect to see was a certain red-headed hat-rack come in from the hallway. He looked up at Dazai with ocean-blue eyes sparking, not with anger, but with joy. "Dazai!! You're finally home! We've been waiting forever...well I have. I'm not sure what those creep is doing here." He said, eyeing Fyodor suspiciously. Fyodor shrugged. "The same reason as you. To look over our precious Dazai." He said. 'Our Precious Dazai'. That particular part of the rats sentence repeated in Dazai's head over and over again. This couldn't be happening. No. This wasn't a prank. No way. There's no way Chuuya or Fyodor would ever act as if they cared for him...unless and ability had affected them. But Dazai has touched some of the affected people today and his ability didn't work...which means the part being affected is a part he can't reach. Probably the brain.

Dazai's mind just completely stopped working for a few moments. Long enough for him to be lead to the couch by an enthusiastic Chuuya and to be handed a glass of wine by Fyodor. Long enough to start drinking and drinking and drinking some more. Till he was black out drunk. Long enough to realize that he was the only one that could save the whole city from this threat and he had no idea where to start. Long enough to realize that the two people that hated him the most were being nice to him..

Long enough to realize, he was screwed.

-To Be Continued-


Day 1, Dazai's already completely out of it. Poor Dazai. I would be shook to.

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