You don't mess with Mona

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L'academie Lachelier of Sidi bennour was closed for almost a week to settle matters regarding the death of Mr Habib, in order to ease the tensions the odd twins decided to go for some fresh air, only the air in Eljadida at this time of the year was as humid and foggy as it was bleak and freezing. So they went for a bite at café La ficelle, one of the few nice tearooms that weren't scrupulously monopolised by chain-smokers, gossip mongers and football fanatics.

Mona ordered a café viennois with a croissant and Said had an Americano and an egg sandwich. Normally their topics of conversation would revolve around their respective disciplines. Psychology and philosophy hold so many similarities, I personally like to see them as identical twins, two sides of the same coin. The milk siblings were very much aware of that fact, which only made their bond stronger, their relatability to on another too. They even signed respectively with a 'Ψ' and a 'Φ'.

But today there were no lessons on argumentation, no lecture about the difference between dopamine, serotonin and all those hormones we always hear about but never quite comprehend unless we actually research it. Instead, Mona wanted to dare tackling a topic that has been rather sensitive, not just these days but also for the last decade.

- 'You must be kidding'. Began Said as he took a bite of his sandwich.

- 'I am not, I can assure you not only did he not take his own life but his case must be tied to the others as well.' She said loud enough for her friend to hear but quiet enough for no one else to eavesdrop upon their most private conversation.

- ' But the news-'

- 'Forget about the news, I'm telling you I'm seeing a sort of pattern , I knew there was one ever since Doghmi's story and my suspicions grew bigger as more incidents occurred in the city. And don't look at me like that, I'm not being paranoid. I...I-'

- 'I believe you. 'He said.

- 'What?' Mona was happy yet a bit confused.

- 'Explain to me, what are those patterns you see.'

- 'Well, I, hum. It's a little difficult to put into words.'

- 'You seem to have been thinking about it for a while.'

- 'Why yes, a series of suicides in a small town, AKA the go-to plot for so many crime novels and TV shows.'

- 'You're talking about fiction.'

- 'Fiction that was inspired by real life events. That is beside the point anyway.'

- 'Why does it matter so much to you?'

- 'Don't you see? If those people haven't taken their lives, and if more people to this day keep receiving similar fates, then that's kind of a big deal.'

- 'So what you're saying is that they were ... set up?'

- 'I'm just saying that things are not as they seem. That the truth lies elsewhere.' When Mona had finally reached to drink her coffee, it was cold. She drank it anyway, dipping the croissant in it. The pastry was crispy and buttery with a chewy middle. They both finished their orders in silence before resuming.

- 'The news of Habib has taken its toll on everyone, to have someone in your entourage perish puts the inevitability of death right under our noses. Try to relax, just take it easy these days, don't overthink it.' Said tried to reason with her. Mona lowered her head in a shade of deception, then stared intently at Said.

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