Chapter 34

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Sweat trickled down his back as he struggled to breathe. He felt hot and uncomfortable but still the small feeling of accomplishment stuck close to his chest like a badge of honor.

Rushing towards the bathroom, the nurse in charge of him not moving from his bench as he had grown used to it, Wade locked the door and removed the mask quickly which stuck to his face uncomfortably.
He gasped for air, breaths slowing down as he relaxed with he cool air to his skin. Taking the chance, Wade removed the gloves off his hands and began to wash them,letting the cold water wash away the sweat from them before splashing some water in his hot face

“HAH! Hot” Yellow laughed and Wade casually ignored it.

Working out at the gym without Peter wasn’t so bad…but mainly because Wade didn’t pay much attention when working out

“Apart from showing off to Peter” White mumbled “I've noticed you posing and flexing when he looks your way”

Flushing, Wade looked away from the mirror and dried his face with the bottom of his long sleeve shirt. The shirt was grey and the material perfect for working out, the Stark logo at the center of his chest was very small but the only design on it so it called attention to it- unlike his other shirts, that were loose and comfortable, this one was tight and flexible, showing the definition of his muscles and causing him to sweat more to lose weight.

“He is going to lust over these bad boys when he’s back” Yellow said

“It’s not like that” Wade was embarrassed “I just need a distraction” it was true but the thought that maybe Peter would be impressed was still there.

Wade wasn’t sure how to feel… He felt weird with the sudden desire to make the small brunette proud and happy, the want to impress him. He knew it had to do with how good it felt to have Peter look at him with a proud smile or nearly in tears from how proud he was with Lucy weeks ago…Wade wanted that as well but that still didn’t explain why.

Unlocking the door, Wade walked out fully covered once again, thankful for Peter thinking ahead and sending more masks so he always had a clean one to wear.
As he walked out, nurse following him, he paused when a familiar dark haired man stood by the door, seeming to wait for something, his own aide by his side, a curly haired woman with her name pin that said “Layla”.

“Oh, there you are” The man looked up, his accent was american instead of the british one that Wade had heard before “Steven wouldn’t shut up about talking to you”

Wade froze at the attention, unsure on what to do as he just couldn’t talk. He awkwardly stood there as the man uncrossed his arms

“I’m Marc” he greeted, giving him a small polite smile “The other one that you met was Steven” he said but gestured to himself “There’s also Jake”

Wade slowly gave a nod, eyes glancing at the man’s, Marc, nurse who seemed to understand the introduction.

Unsure as to how to introduce himself, Wade gave a small wave, fascinated by how Marc’s expression slowly shifted into a more soft and excited one

“Hello!” he said loudly out of nowhere, British accent now “Sorry- hi” he chuckled embarrassed as he waved back awkwardly “I was wondering if you’d like to play cards with me- do you play cards?” he asked

Taken aback by the sudden change, Wade stared wide eyed at the man before him. He turned to his nurse as if asking for permission and he just shrugged in response.

“You don’t have to!” Marc(?) said “I know you aren’t much of a talker… I just thought we’d get to know each other, you know?” he continued “if you don't like cards we can try other board games?” he suggested

Wade thought back to a few days ago when he played with Clint for the first time. He didn't have a problem with it and actually enjoyed it- plus he was going to the game room anyway…

Shrugging with a ‘sure why not’ nod, Wade watched as the man brightened, smiling wide.

They walked side by side, nurses following behind, as Steven- Wade noticed this was a ‘split personality’ case- rambled, shifting to his other accent- Marc- every so often.

“You should work out with us, sometime” Marc said as they arrived, both him and Wade waved at Clint who noticed them and waved back.

Wade turned to look down at Marc, he wasn’t short but to Wade, everyone was short. He waited for Marc to look back at him before he shook his head, refusing the offer- he worked out to distract himself from his surroundings, he didn't want to be with people.

“Fair enough” Marc shrugged, alright with Wade’s decision.

“What do you want to play?” Steven walked to the shelf full of games, his nurse, Layla, sitting on an empty table while Wade’s own nurse came close to him.

“I have to go now” he said “Layla, over there, will take you back” he gestured to the curly haired woman and waited for Wade to nod in response before finally leaving.

Once sat down at the table with Steven and Layla, Clint and Miss Romanova came to join. They all began to play cards except for Miss Romanova who had to monitor the room and often translates Steven’s rambling to Clint, who would laugh loudly in reply.

Wade had struggled to focus, hands gripping the cards as he looked up at the group around him. He didn't like the fact there was more than one person close to him, usually it was just him and a nurse or Clint… But he still played along because Steven would giddily look up at him when it was his turn to play and would talk just enough for both him and Clint.

At some point, however, Wade felt someone come too close to his back. Snapping up, accidentally knocking over the table, Wade turned to grab whoever was behind him because it was a sneak attack and they were too close and he didn't see them and-

A man in a white shirt similar to Wade’s was in his grasp and he looked wide eyed at Wade, surprised himself. Besides him was the stubby man that Wade had seen before…Ned he remembered.

“Wade” Miss Romanova warned, her voice was like thunder despite how quiet it was, she had a hand in her pocket ready to drug Wade if things escalated.

With a puff of air, Wade dropped the skinny man slowly, standing there as people looked at him with wide eyes. Wide scared eyes… Eyes on him.

“Too close” he turned to Miss Romanova, pointing at the man that had sneaked up behind him “Too close” he repeated breathlessly, trying to get his point across that he hadn’t meant to scare anyone, that he had been the one who was scared…

Lowering her hand from her pocket, her wide stance softened with an understanding look as she gave him a nod. She slowly approached Wade, stopping when Wade had deemed her too close and took a step back himself.

“Wade, can you take deep breaths for me?” she began to instruct as Ned calmed the man in a similar fashion

Wade shook his head, opening his mouth and struggling to speak, he croaked out an unintelligible sound before just pointing at the door.

“Alright” Miss Romanova said gently “Let’s go back to your room” she began to walk, allowing Wade to follow “just breathe with me as we go…in…out…in…” she instructed once again, her usual quick steps, slow.

“Too close” Wade repeated out of no where

“I know” she replied understandingly

“Too close” he said again anyway, despite knowing she had understood “Too close…Too close”

When they finally arrived back in Wade’s room, Miss Romanova hadn’t left right away, making sure Wade was breathing calmly first until

“Out” Wade said “Out out out out” he demanded

“Ok, I’ll come back to check up on you in half an hour, ok?” she said but Wade just repeated the same word over and over until that woman was finally gone.

Eyes, wide scared eyes were on him…they’d take him away again…they’d take him away.

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