Chapter 28

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“It’s until you get better” Peter said as he headed towards the door, his hair certainly a mess thanks to his nervous tic of playing with it

“What if I don't get better” Wade’s voice was so small, words muffled by the mask.

Turning his attention away from the door, Peter marched back to his patient, standing beside him. He smacked a hand on the white surface, scaring the masked man from his thoughts, and leaned down just as the other turned his head towards him, nose barely touching.

“Listen here, Wade Wilson” Peter said sternly “and you listen good” he squinted his eyes, taking in the seams of the mask and how Wade’s lenses widened.

“You will get better” he began “maybe not today or tomorrow…maybe you won't get better in a year but that doesn’t matter” he said “because you will get better- I’m not saying your pain will disappear and you’ll never be sad again…I’m not saying you wont have any attacks ever again, that nothing will trigger you the same” he continued.

“But you will learn to live with it, you will learn to jump over these barriers. One day you will leave with the same past as before and you will be better than ever” his voice softened and Peter’s scolding faded “You will get better, Wade” he promised “You have to, not only for your daughter but for you as well” 

Finally, Peter stood properly. His hand, which had been pressed on the table in front of Wade, peeled away as he gently placed a hand on his shoulder

“You’ll get better” Peter repeated “I can see some improvements already, even if you don't believe me” he smiled softly before removing his hand from the man’s shoulder.

That was the last time Peter saw Wade before his busy week began.

He had many things to prepare, many papers to sign, many things to change…one of which is 

“Your apartment is too small” Matt Murdock said from behind his desk, his agent had gone to Peter’s apartment to make sure it was decent for a child to be living in “They want the girl to have a good living space, a room of her own”

“She can keep my room” Peter stared at his lawyer “I barely sleep in there anyway” he shrugged and judging by how the man sighed heavily and rubbed the bridge of his nose, it was wrong to say.

“It’s a lifetime commitment” Matt began “The child need a proper living space and materials she will need” he began “you’ll have more chance to adopt her if you have everything in order” 

So that's how Peter ended up here, boxes filled with books and research and barely anything of his own. 

Thankfully, the place had furniture and Peter awkwardly placed the small old television on the wide space made for the slim new Tvs. He was beginning to see what Matt had meant now.

He left his boxes out near the door, taking out only the clothes and placing them somewhere easy to grab- deciding against tidying the rooms for now.

The house was big. Bigger than anything Peter had ever lived in. 

Although a bit further away from work, it was in a good area and it looked pretty enough. Now that Peter stood here, finally putting his money to use, he really did see the misery he lived in before.

It was homey even if no one currently lived in it. There were three bedrooms, one of which Peter has turned into his office, something he always wanted but never put the work into. Clean sheets had been bought and everything else thrown out, Peter spent his time making everything look presentable enough, keeping in mind that ”‘function wasn’t everything” (as Matt had stated).

The living room was too big for Peter, connecting to the kitchen. It might be thanks to living by himself for so long but the place was just too big… There was an awkward empty corner in the living room that Peter avoided even looking at before…Now he considered the idea of making it the play area, something he dreamed of having as a kid.

Once his office was done, all his books and work tidy, there was barely anything left… It was worrying if he was honest…

So, he went shopping, not worrying about the costs and buying decorations that would be fitting of the place, as well as some toys he thought Ellie might enjoy. 

His eyes briefly landed on a lego collection, worth more than it should…still he bought it, telling himself Ellie would love it and that it was definitely not for himself.

Briefly, Peter thought about buying decorations for Ellie’s room but he thought the girl would appreciate getting to choose things herself, so he left that for later and focused on things she'd need most such as more clothes, studying materials, hygiene stuff and food to actually fill the fridge for once.

Now, Peter proudly presented his home, explaining to the agent that he wanted to go shopping with Ellie so she could pick whatever she wanted and make it feel more like her home.

That seemed to do the trick.

Peter had provided financial proof of his income and living now, signed the school papers to add Ellie’s new address and emergency phone number. He had gotten a suspicious look from the elderly lady that worked there as she signed an agreement but otherwise things seemed to go smoothly from the adoption and work mix.

It would be a lie if Peter were to say he wasn’t anxious. Most adoptions take more than six months but seeming as though Ellie had been there for so long (and caused trouble) the workers quickly agreed after they finished his background check.

Wade had been pestering him for updates during the last weeks, it was understandable. 

Peter had exchanged his appointments with Wade to be only on Thursdays, taking advantage of the fact Jameson didn't want anyone giving him that much attention anyway. His spare time had been used to complete everything else.

Thanks to those short sessions, Wade had given some helpful tips on what Ellie liked and Peter had allowed Wade to do some of the online shopping for her room such as bed sheets and pillows that he knew she’d appreciate.

It was another Thursday when Peter was returning from a walk with Wade. They were heading towards the gym, where Wade excitedly had mentioned doing some lessons before. He seemed alright with being around people if his mind was focusing on something else, especially when Peter was with him.

Peter felt a small wave of nausea but otherwise brushed it off, sniffling at his wet nose as he slowed his step slightly. 

Wade hopped ahead, knowing the way but turning around at Peter’s change of pace. Peter smiled, not wanting to worry the other but judging by how Wade stumbled slightly, freezing in place with his mask’s eyes wide, Peter already failed.

“Peter?” Wade’s voice was careful for whatever the reason, he approached the other with hands reaching for him “…ok?” he asked 

Peter blinked in confusion at the abnormal worry, placing a hand on his drippy nose and nodding

“Yeah, I’m fine” he replied with a small sniff, a red dot on the floor catching his attention.

Slowly, Peter looked down, more drops of red falling by his feet as Wade quickly came to his side, placing a supporting hand on his back

“Oh” Peter looked at his hand, covered in blood.

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