Chapter One: Piccolo and Gohan

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Taro pondered to himself as he and Raditz flew across the barren wasteland. "Is this Kakarot? How will twenty four years on an alien planet affect his mind?" The thoughts were quickly silenced when their target came into view. Instead of a Saiyan man, it was a large bipedal entity with green skin and pink patches of flesh on its arms. It was draped in a baggy purple outfit with a white headdress adored with a purple patch on top. A white cape with large shoulder pads and a bunched up collar hung over it's shoulders.

"That's not Kakarot," Taro said to Raditz as they approached. "That's not even human, whatever it is..." The two Saiyans landed slowly in front of the entity, who was eyeing them suspiciously. The wind atop the plateau the three stood on blew wildly, blowing the entity's cape and Raditz' long hair to the right.

"Who are you? What do you want? Have some buisness with me?" The alien asked with a deep and booming voice. His bald eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the Saiyan warriors before him, a clear look of distain on his face.

"No, we're looking for someone." Raditz replied. Taro crossed his arms over his chest, his tail wrapped tightly around his waist.

"Then unless you're in a hurry to die... keep moving." The alien growled. Taro scoffed and Raditz chuckled. They felt no fear towards this upstart invader and his hollow threats.

"Well aren't you the feisty one?" Raditz mused as he pushed the button on his scouter. In the green lense of the device, a yellow outline formed around the entity as it scanned and predicted his battle power. The readings appeared on the sceen a few seconds later, making Raditz chuckle. "And I see why. Power level 322. That's almost respectable. Almost." He sneered with a smug smile. "Unfortunately for you, that's still nothing compared to us."

"I should kill you where you stand! Do you have any idea who you're talking to!?" The green man snarled. He grit his teeth, exposing his large canine teeth.

"Does it matter?" Raditz chuckled as Taro shot him a look. The alien, now thoroughly annoyed and angered, suddenly fired an attack at the two, throwing dust and debris into the air. He smiled, thinking the two had been destroyed, but his look quickly changed. The smoke cleared, exposing Taro and Raditz. Unmoved, unscrated, unphased by the blast. Raditz chuckled. "You call that an attack? Pathetic. Although, it is effective at kicking up dust." He rubbed his chin with the side of his hand as the alien's jaw dropped. He stood there, dumbfounded and horrified at the realization that he was no match.

"Are you finished? Is that all you got?" Taro asked, raising one hand. "If that's the case, allow me to demonstrate one of my moves." Red energy gathered in his palm, sparking wildly. Suddenly, Raditz' scouter started to beep.

"A new signal. It looks like another strong power level." Without warning, Raditz rocketed into the air, looking around for a strong lock-on point. After a few seconds, he found it looking southwest. "It's that way. Range: 12909 and closing. It's a big one. Certainly te biggest power level on this puny planet. This is it! It has to be Kakarot!" He exclaimed with fervor. Taro floated next to him and the pair flew off at top speed, leaving the green man in the dust to contemplate what just happened. The two flew over cities and countrysides, Taro admiring the beauty of this world to himself.

"Such a beautiful planet," he thought to himself as he flew lower, running his hand through a crystal clear river. "I've never seen another planet like it." He grabbed a fish from the river, killed it and cooked it at the same time with his energy and took a bite. The flavors of the meat raced through his mouth and mind. He had never tasted anything like it before. "Such a shame we had to interfere with it," he thought as he took another bite. Raditz knocked the fish from his hand.

"Focus, Taro. Kakarot is close." Taro rolled his eyes at Raditz as the two gained altitude. Now the river flowed into a gigantic deep blue ocean, the surface being just clear enough to see the animals swimming beneath the waves.

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