Chapter Ten: Namek

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"Stardate; May third, Age 762. Journey to Namek day five: still nowhere close to Namek. Training with Gohan and Krillin is proceeding as expected, though Krillin is fairing better than I saw coming. He actually managed to bruise me earlier. Surprising. Bulma says that we shouldn't get physical in the cabin. After today, I may agree with her. Nearly punctured the ship earlier. I'm starting to go stir crazy... being trapped in this flying metal ball is maddening. I'm not sure how the others are fairing, but I don't know how much more I can take. It's... it's hard not having Raditz around to talk to anymore. I miss him. He may have become a bastard, but he was still my friend at one point." Taro spoke while recording himself on his scouter, which had been repaired and modified before takeoff. The communication function to the rest of the Frieza Force had been gutted and replaced with a line to Earth via several different channels. Taro could stay in touch with those still on Earth and give progress reports, on top of recording his audio logs. He sighed, looking over to Gohan and Krillin doing image training while Bulma was on her bed, napping. "I wish Bulma trusted me more. I think she still resents me for what happened to Yamcha. I don't blame her. If your loved one was killed and someone who used to work with his killer is suddenly all buddy buddy, I wouldn't trust them either. Still. We should make the best of the situation. If we don't work as a team once we get to Namek, we'll never find the Dragon Balls." Taro pressed the button on his scouter, finishing the recording. He looked down and examined his gi. Undoing the belt, he took off the orange covering on top of the undershirt before tying the belt back. He was still adjusting to the feeling of wearing clothes that didn't cling to his chest. It felt... more relaxed. He could hear Bulma yawning as she sat up, only in her grey bra and underwear.

"Another boring day of space travel..." she said sleepily as she set the book she was reading on the floor with the rest of her trash. "Would it have killed dad to install those cryo-beds? This trip is agony... is it day four or five? I've lost count..." she murmured. Taro crossed his arms.

"Day five," he replied. Bulma looked at him, furrowing her brow a little before turning back to Gohan and Krillin. "Don't bother. They're doing image training. They can't hear you," the Saiyan added.

"Great, they left me practically alone with you," Bulma sniffed. Taro sighed in annoyance.

"Look, I know you're still upset about what happened to Yamcha and your friends, but that wasn't my fault. Believe me, I'm upset about it too. But getting pissy about it won't do anybody any good. It happened. We're on our way to undoing it. Hate me if you want, but we have to work together for this." He replied, narrowing his eyes at Bulma. The woman crossed her arms and turned her head. Taro stood up and walked to the front of the craft. Bulma looked back at Taro, seeing Taro's back as the undershirt was torn in a few spots. Under the shirt, a few large scars were exposed. They were larger than any scar that Bulma had ever seen, not to mention there being far more than any one person should have. She looked to the side, holding her arm. All that confidence and bravado seemed to wash away in an instant. She slowly walked closer to Taro, moving past Gohan and Krillin, gently placing a hand on his shoulder.

"What was it like? Growing up how you did?" She asked softly. Taro looked at her with a raised eyebrow before turning back to the glass window in front of them.

"It wasn't living. It was surviving. Growing up under the thumb of someone like Vegeta was a waking nightmare. Despite me being a year older than Vegeta, he was far stronger than I was. He would brutalize any of us who failed him." Taro lifed off his shirt, revealing every single scar that covered his torso. Bulma was in shock. "Every single one of these was given to me by Nappa or Vegeta. I had to keep getting stronger to survive. If I got too weak, Vegeta would've killed me. The life of a Saiyan is not an easy one. It's a life full of hardships and trials. But I'm living proof of the phrase "What doesn't kill me just makes me stronger." Taro replied with an optimistic smile. Bulma got a faint blush on her face. Thankfully, Taro didn't notice.

"O-Oh wow... that sounds rough. I'm sorry to hear that," Bulma replied. Taro smiled a little and sat against the wall of the ship.

"Yeah. I may crave battle like most Saiyans, but I don't harm innocents if I don't have to. They don't deserve it." He replied, closing his eyes. As he began to meditate, he felt a warm body next to him. Opening his eyes, he saw Bulma leaning against him.

"I'm sorry I was so harsh before. You don't seem like someone who'd want to hurt anybody like the other Saiyans were. You're... different," she said softly, resting her head on Taro's shoulder. The Saiyan was a little taken aback by this. He hadn't felt this kind of interaction since... Ninjin. His eyes swelled a little, remembering the good times with her in the past.

"Don't let Vegeta bully you! You can do whatever you want to!" Her words echoed through his mind. Taro wiped away the tears and smiled, enjoying the quiet moment.

After a month of mind numbing space travel, the day had finally arrived. A green planet loomed in front of the ship. Planet Namek had finally been reached. Everyone showered and got ready as the ship slowly landed on the surface of the world. The sky was green, the grass was blue and the plains where the ship landed was completely barren. Bulma pulled out the Dragon Radar, detecting four Dragon Balls nearby before a huge power shot by.

"I-It's Vegeta! He's here!" Taro exclaimed as Gohan pointed to the sky. The group recoiled in horror as a trail for a space pod was seen overhead. Bulma quickly contacted Earth, letting them know what was going on.

"I'll head back to Earth and get Goku! I'll be back as fast as I can!" She exclaimed. Suddenly, the three warriors could sense something behind them. Taro turned, seeing two Frieza Force soldiers. Before they could do anything, one of them fired a beam at the group. Gohan and Krillin dodged while Taro grabbed Bulma and dashed to safety just as the beam tore through the glass on the ship, rendering it unfit for space travel. Taro made quick work of the soldiers, watching their unconscious bodies fall into the lake nearby. "We're screwed... we can't get back to Earth now..." Bulma said, falling to her knees in despair. The group started to explore the area, those that were able to fly walking to keep their power levels hidden.

"Here! This should be good!" Krillin exclaimed, pointing to a cave nearby. Taro's scouter started to beep rapidly, reading a power level he knew all too well: 530,000.

"Get in the cave! Hurry!" He yelled, forcing everyone into the cave as several large powers zoomed by. As Taro watched, he saw ine particular figure at the front of the pack that made his bones tremble in fear. At the front was the emperor of the universe, rhe undisputed strongest.


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