World 8. The Dungeons Airships and VIP

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It didn't look like it would be easy to get all the way to the VIP. Not with all those airships. However, the big rabbit and little rabbit, the ones Peach remembers from the Sprixie Kingdom, guide the team to Plessie. He takes them to a shortcut that leads into the Dungeons, because he thought they might find Mario and Luigi in there somewhere. Into the dungeon they go to save the Brothers. Searching the dungeons, they find both Mario and Luigi imprisoned separately.

As they go deeper and deeper sticking together, they hear someone sobbing. Following the sound, they find none other then Princess Celia herself. Blanket meows with excitement and relief and runs to her, which comforts the princess a little. She was so glad she was safe and asks if she's hurt. The kitten shakes her head and gestures her paw to the others. Peach and the others introduce themselves, but Daisy seemed confused. She thought Celia would be standing proud and ready to fight. Knowing what her subjects had told them, Celia tells them this isn't entirely true. To tell them the truth, she's under pressure. She feels overworked and filled with anxiety with too much to do. As she began to fiddle with her hair, she says at times she feels like she will never have time to herself. Peach knew how that feels. She thought she could stop Bowser, but she was captured in an instant, and could only watch powerless and he stood victorious. Breaking down, Celia feels like she's failed, her kingdom is doomed and she will never be the princess they all hoped she'd be. The princesses and their friends felt sorry for her, then Peach approaches and comforts her. She tells her she gets pressured too sometimes, even if she gets kidnapped a lot. But that doesn't mean she can't speak up for how she really feels. Joining her, Daisy, Rosalina and Pauline share about how they get hardships every now and then. But no matter what, they stay strong knowing no one's really perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and that's how they learn. Feeling better, Celia stands tall and joins them to save the Isle.

They almost make it out of the dungeon, and it looked like this was the right way to the airships. However, the Whomp King stands in their way. Eventually crushing him, with Celia's assistance, they reach the airships. The princesses and Brothers temporarily part ways so they can take care of any backup Bowser has required. As they jump from airship to airship, freeing some inhabitants and Celia's subjects in the process, they find some of the airships belong to the Koopalings who, to their surprise, have gained new powers thanks to Kemek's magic dust. On the very last airship acting as the gateway to the VIP, Captain Toad and Toadaniel were caged up. Bowser Jr steps in and uses a cat bell of his own becoming Meowser Jr. He remembered his father telling him about it, so he wanted to try it himself. Sadly for him, he ends up losing the bell and goes down with the ship as the princesses and the toads safety land right in front of their destination at last. Toadaniel embraces Celia, revealing he is her advisor, showing great concern for her. There was one thing left to do. Stop Bowser. With Peach at the lead, she, Daisy, Rosalina, Pauline, Celia, Perry, Polterpup, Lumas, Squawks, Cappy, Tiara and Blankey, were off to the VIP (at this point, VIP can only be unlocked if all the worlds are complete).

The VIP turned out to be a towering hotel reserve of the Koopa King himself about 20 stories high. And it was filled to the brim with obstacles and enemies carrying different powers. Some had fire, some had the boomerangs, some had the leaves, some had the bells and many more. They finally reach the top, and discover Bowser in his special sunbathing spot. Removing his shades and getting up from his chair, he saw all the princesses made it here. He should've known they would get here sooner or later, but he didn't expect for them to take so long. Celia demands he get his troops out of her kingdom and never come back, but her words don't convince him. So if he won't leave, they are going to have to kick him out. But this will not be an easy task, because Bowser had expected they would do this, so he calls for his troops to get them all locked up. As the troops suddenly storm in and surround them, Bowser retreats into a nearby corridor, meaning there is more to the VIP then they thought. The rest take on the Koopa King's backup, and Celia let's Peach go for him. So the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom goes for Bowser alone with Perry.

Peach was now on her own and as she made her way down the dark corridors, followed by fireballs from Bowser she had to evade. Meanwhile, the princesses and their buddies are given help from everyone they met and rescued on their journey. Mario, Luigi, Toad, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Wario, Waluigi, Toadette, Toadsworth, Captain Toad, Toadaniel, Red Toad, Yellow Toad, Blue Toad, Plessie, The Sprixies, Sprinkles, E Gadd, Lum Lum, Medal, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong, Candy Kong, Funky Kong, Tiny Kong, Chunky Kong, Lanky Kong, Swanky Kong, Poochy, Cappy, Tiara and Scarfer, have all come for assistance to save this isle from great peril. Worried for Peach, Mario makes his way too. Peach herself finally makes it to the end, which acted like a throne room. Bowser taunts that she really thinks she can stop him. Peach argues back she can. If she did it once, she can do it again. And it is here the royals duel begins! There was plenty of stomping, spinning and even clanging, as powerups fall and appear on the arena Peach can choose from before Bowser takes one himself thanks to a little bit of Kemek's assistance. Things keep heating up as the arena gets surrounded by lava. Near the end of the fight between the rulers of mushrooms and koopas, they end up in a sword like duel. In the end, Bowser is pushed back into the wall and falls into the lava. Due to all the damage given, the VIP was about to collapse! Daisy and Luigi call to evacuate, and both sides of good and bad get their legs moving. Mario quickly saves Peach from falling rubble, but they and Perry end up trapped while the rest escape. They all watch the towering hotel fall, and the 3 of them emerge from the rubble thanks to Parry's abilities, reuniting the plumber in red, princess in pink and parasol in yellow and blue with their friends. Bowser crawls out of what is left of the castle, defeated and tired, and says Peach's ways were not bad, admitting she put up a good fight before passing out. Bowser Jr, Kemek and the Koopalings riding in the clown car carry him away. And everyone watches as the fire breathing koopas and the other bad guys all retreat and head home.

Thanks to enough experience and inspired by Peach and the other princesses, Celia breaks free from her shell and tells her subjects the truth about how she feels. But now she knows she's not the only one to deal with problems like this. Even if she has been pressured and angry at herself, she knows she can get a lot better. The now freed citizens of Isle Islando celebrate, and the residents of the neighboring kingdoms join in with the festivities. During the credits, it shows the highlights of the adventure and fireworks at the end.

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