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T.w. It gets a little violent within this chapter, not graphic though


Author POV

The explosion from the magick core being detonated was enough to make the ground shake for miles around, the vibrations from the shock waves shattering the glass windows of homes within a few miles of the area. The houses and infrastructure near the magick core location were completely wiped out in the magick blast.

Jimin felt the confusion of his people, an anger that could rival that of a Wrath demon built up within the Lust demon as he looked out upon the chaos and destruction that had been brought to his sin sector. 

He didn't care for the large window that he shattered with his now bleeding fist. The glass panes stained scarlet with his blood the least of his worries as he threw himself out of the window, calling to the wings of his demon form to carry him towards the disaster zone. 


When he landed it was to complete disarray. 

Demons were running around in panic, the Lust demons weren't really known for their fighting prowess, they fought with words and their bodies, though not in a violent way. So they were panicked and unsure what to do in a situation such as this. 

Some rushed past, young demons clutched in their arms prioritising the safety of the youth. Despite being immortal, a demon could still die, just not of natural causes such as the human's old age. Since they could heal quickly, most demons die within duels or war, such as the attack that was occurring at the present time. 

Jimin stormed through the streets of the Lust sector, demons that recognised him stopped to stare, a sense of relief and comfort at seeing their leader coming to their aid. They cheered for him when they stopped, Jimin barely heard them, he was like a predator on the hunt for prey.

He found his prey rather quickly as they were still lingering around the destroyed magick core. Jimin's throat found a earth shattering growl building up, which he released. Watching all those around freeze in fear at the sound, caught like a deer in headlights. 

He stalked from the street into the open area where the magick core once stood, now all there was was remnants of the debris that once housed the impressive structure. He stepped over the rubble carefully, not once breaking eye contact with the leader of the attack, it wasn't Azvameth but it was certainly one of his lackeys. 

Jimin could see in full colour the moment the demon leader realised who Jimin was. The colour that once filled his face drained, leaving him as pasty white like a ghost of a restless soul. 

"Do you realise what consequences your actions have?" Jimin's voice was snarling as he spoke around the sharp fangs now lining his mouth.

The other demon was barely able to get a word out before Jimin attacked, Jimin's claws were soon buried within the demon leader's stomach, tearing to one side left the demon in excruciating pain on the rubble laden floor. 

The rest of the group that had gathered with their leader were soon joining them on the floor by Jimin's hand. Those he had killed, the leader he had left in pain, but ultimately they were alive and would heal, albeit it would take them a good few hours. 

Demon claws naturally had a potent poison laced within in them, it was a defense mechanism, the more powerful the demon the more lethal the poison was. Hence why demons rarely walked around with their claws out, only using them in situations where they would need to defend themselves. 

"Why are you doing this?" Jimin grabbed the demon leader by the front of their outfit, pressing his face into their personal space, an intimidating aura surrounding his form, it made the demon leader shake in the furious grip of the Lust King. 

"He promised us glory" Jimin took notice, the demon in his grip was of the Sin of greed, the manipulation made sense. If one could prey on the sin of a demon, provoke it, one could recruit many to ones cause. Glory for a greed demon was a temptation too great, after all greed didn't always equate to money and riches, but power and position too.

Jimin's claws struck across the demon's throat, ending his suffering quickly, the body fell from his grip as the Lust demon took to the skies. If an attack such as this was occurring it was almost a guarantee that Azvameth would be here, he wouldn't trust such an important task to lower demons, it almost went against his superiority complex. 

Lone behold the ancient King was correct, he may not completely remember everything yet. But he certainly remembered the face of Azvameth from the party they gatecrashed many months ago within the human realm.


When he landed it was as silent as a stalking predator. 

Azvameth stood amongst a bunch of demons, clearly he was rallying them to his cause. Trying to start a rebellion on the street as a distraction. He was targeting the Wrath demons, their sin sector being right next door to the Lust sector. 

The words that fell from his mouth were twisted, dipped in seduction and temptation despite his greed demon status. He was an effective manipulator, playing upon the true desires of the demons, so he could conduct his will. 

But that was stopped the moment Hoseok arrived, a flurry of anger. His anger displayed clearly in the way he moved, Jimin watched in awe as Hoseok took command of the situation immediately as soon as Azvameth had commanded the group to attack their true leader.

In the distraction the greed demon made his move to escape, while Hoseok dealt with his own people, unfortunately for the fallen angel, he clearly had no acknowledgement that the true predator was onto his scent and would not stop till it had blood.  


Now we have the main action. We are going to get some badass scenes of the Kings, hope you like them.




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