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~*~Author POV

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Author POV

The ambulance arrived with haste. Jungkook held one of Jimin's hands, the other trailing up to brush against his jaw. He watched with satisfaction as Jimin shuddered. While Jimin shrugged it off a rush of cold air, Jungkook knew the truth.

Upon Jimin's jaw was Jungkook's pact mark, the mark that bound them, body and soul to eachother for eternity. Jungkook traced his finger in circles across it only to watch the way Jimin would shiver everytime. He missed seeing his mate. His jealous peaking the longer he was away from him.

Sometimes Jungkook hated being the Avatar of Envy. It left him in a spiraling downward mindset of uncontrollable jealousy whenever he was away from Jimin. Always looking at everyone else, an insatiable desire to want what everyone had regardless of what it was. Its why he kept to himself mostly, the less he was around others the less he would desire all the unobtainable material objects everyone else possessed. But sometimes it went further than material objects, those were always the most difficult urges to fight.

He decided to use his magic then, he cast an illusion of a stab injury, fake blood and all. It would seem real to the human eye, but he knew the truth.


imin panicked seeing the rush of blood oozing from the wound. Ripping at the bottom of his t-shirt pulling away the white fabric to applied pressure to the wound, in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Jungkook groaned, leaning his head back, faking the pain.

Jimin saw the paramedics rushing towards them, they were carrying a stretcher, quickly rolling Jungkook on, but slow enough to not hurt him further. Another paramedic picked up the knife, with gloved hands so they could study it.

Jimin followed behind them helplessly. He noticed that despite all the fuss Jungkook's eyes never left him. Tracing him, like he was afraid he would disappear if he looked away for even a moment. Jimin sent him a reassuring smile, at least he hoped it came off that way. But never the less Jungkook relaxed.

Jungkook bound to the stretcher was carried into the ambulance.

The paramedics began to shut the door.

"No!" Jungkook yelled at them, voice loud and powerful. Commanding.

It startled the staff, who blinked at him owlishly.

"I refuse to go unless Jimin comes with me" Jungkook nodded his head towards the startled man.

"I am sorry sir. He isn't family we can't allow it" the staff tried to inform him.

"And how would you know?" Jungkook retorted.

"Because we asked and he told us" they replied.

"He is my husband" was the first thing that came to Jungkook's mind, he blurted it out before he could properly think about it.

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