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Any guesses who this might be? I will be curious to see who gets it right

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Any guesses who this might be? I will be curious to see who gets it right.

Author POV

Jimin placed the flyer online, requesting for models to come forward to help him promote a new product, he was doing a selection of rings and jewellery.

He himself had a thin choker around his neck, rings adorning his fingers, some had chains interlinking them. Some had engravings, some had small gemstones integrated into them.

He ran his fingers through his pink hair, he had just recently dyed it again. Now it was no longer silver but a cotton candy pink.

"Sir, someone is here to see you" His assistant informed him.

"Let them in" Jimin smiled gratefully at the man. They nodded and went to collect the visitor.

"Hi" Jimin said, looking at some documents on his desk.

"How can I help you?" He looked up and resisted the urge to let his jaw drop.

The man before him rendered him speechless. Silver hair cropped into a short style, Jimin could see an undercut. His eyes were a sharp brown, one that almost had Jimin cowering before the man. A sculpted face with deep inset dimples, let to smirking lips. And finally to a suit clad body. The man's posture was confident, not in a rigid way more so in a casual confidence as if he didn't need to pretend. He was the embodiment of confidence if Jimin was allowed a say.

"My name is Namjoon, I came for you job advert" the man's, Namjoon's, voice was a deep baritone sound.

"Wow that was fast" Jimin said more to himself.

"I am a great follower of your work, and I finally plucked up the courage to come meet the genius in hope that I can help promote your work" ok Jimin concluded that flattery can get you everywhere. Especially if you looked as good as the man before you and had a smooth tounge and a great voice.

"Thank you. But you hardly seem like the type of person to need confidence" Jimin regarded him.

"I may show confidence with my body but it takes a confidence of mind as well. Something I sometimes lack" Namjoon admitted.

"Everyone has something they aren't confident with" Jimin shrugged.

"What's yours may I ask, if it isn't too forward" Namjoon inquired.

"Not being able to remember anyone" Jimin admitted. He didn't know why he did, he just felt like he could trust the man before him.

"I wished you hadn't forgotten me, but I will stand with you like I did before" Namjoon promised.

"Wait. I knew you before the accident" Jimin said in an excited, yet remorseful tone.

"You did, you were always a good friend to me. I was scared to see you again. I was afraid that I would look you in the eyes and not be able to keep my composure. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." Namjoon admitted.

"I'm sorry." It seemed like it was the only thing that came to Jimin's mind. He was apologising to Namjoon for something he had no control over, but it felt right to say the words.

"You have nothing to apologise for. At should be me apologising, for being to much of a coward to see you" Namjoon remorsefully said.

"But you're here now, and your not crying" Jimin pointed out, a small smile on his face.

"You haven't changed one bit" Namjoon said and he had a wistful look on his face, as if he were remembering something.

All Jimin could do was grin.

"So can I have the job, get to know you again?" Namjoon inquired.

"Yeah, I want to get to know you again. Plus you do have pretty hands" Jimin pointed out.

"I would like to think my hands are hand-some" Namjoon said with a smirk.

Jimin rolled his eyes at the badly orchestrated pun.

"Fine you and your handsome hands can have the job" he stretched out the word handsome in an almost mocking tone.

"Thank you. We could discuss the details over a coffee or something" Namjoon suggested.

"Yeah sounds good. Here is my work phone, I wrote my own number on the bottom. Call or text either one we can discuss the details then. I am sorry I have a meeting I need to attend in-" Jimin looked down at his watch "- like now!" He panicked.

It was obviously an online call, as he began to pull up some call features on his computer.

Namjoon turned to leave not wishing to intrude.

"Namjoon you wouldn't by any chance happen to know someone called Hoseok?" Jimin asked, his eyes romeing his face.

"Yeah I do, he was the one who told me where to find you" Namjoon responded.

Jimin nodded, pulling his headset on, and the conversation abruptly ended after that.

Namjoon left the office. He placed a hand over his left pec, the place that held his pact mark to Jimin. The place where the human's had their hearts, demons had theirs on the right hand side of their bodies. If his heart was on the left hand side of his chest then he was sure that it would be breaking under his pact mark.

He wanted to cry but his pride wouldn't allow him. His sin wouldn't allow him.

His eyes glowing a light violet purple, his heart and pact mark mourning for his mate. He wanted to go in there and tell Jimin everything, gather him into his arms and comfort him.

When Taehyung had originally stormed through their manor house after finding Jimin in the human realm, Namjoon had watched Hoseok's rage fill him, causing the chandelier to clatter and smash onto the table. It had happened many times before, it seemed a come thing to break in their home, doors along side them.

While Namjoon didn't share the sin of Wrath with Hoseok. He did have an equally strong reaction. Someone had managed to get past all of their defenses and taken and mind wiped the demon that 6 of the most powerful demons in the Demon domain cherished.

There were demons that shared the sins with the Avatars. Namjoon was the Avatar of Pride, the most powerful of his sin no one could hold a candle to his power. Those who are ranked as having Pride as their sin all sat under him and obeyed him. He was their King.

Much like those of Gluttony bowed down to Jin, Sloth to Yoongi, Wrath to Hoseok, Greed to Taehyung, Envy to Jungkook and Lust to Jimin.

Those who had Lust as their primary sin were either rebelling for a new leader or demanding to have Jimin returned to lead them.

And Namjoon's pride be damned if he didn't bring Jimin back to his throne.


So did you guys like the chapter?

Did you like Namjoon?

And it was Tae who found Jimin first.

I hope you guys liked the chapter. Thank you all so much for reading and your overall support.




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