ঞじòぴé chapter 4 ઈଓᦗ࿐

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Hello loves im here with a new chap enjoy

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*Thorn and blaze returned to the same place where thunderstorm had spoken to them first.*

* Thorn and Blaze were confused they didn't understand why thunderstorm had told them to go to those rooms.*

Blaze: I don't want to go, if it's to meet someone new...

Thorn: the same but.... Do you remember what room they were?

* Thorn and Blaze had forgotten which room they were supposed to go to, they stood for a while, trying to remember.*

*After a while, Thorn's cell phone started ringing, Thorn took out his cell phone and saw that Thunderstorm was calling him, Thorn answered the call.*

( In the call)

Thunderstorm: Look asshole, I guess you two just forgot where to go.

Thorn: ehhhh... Well yes...

Thunderstorm: I imagined it, anyway, I won't repeat it again, so listen well.

Thorn: yes!... Wait are those moans?

Thunderstorm: nope, you are going to go to room number 15 and blaze to room 12.

Thorn: ok but seriously, you two are  fucking at a party!?

Thunderstorm: you don't have to give a fuck, just go the rooms I told you!

Thorn: well well-.....

Cyclone: ​​Let go... Ah... That already...

Thunderstorm: gladly

( end of call)

*Thorn cut the call as fast as possible he didn't want to hear those two fuck.*

*Blaze walked over to Thorn putting his hand on Thorn's shoulder.*

Blaze: what did he tell you ..?

Thorn: I'm going to room 15 and you to 12.

Blaze: ugh... Ok but all good I saw you cut the call very quickly.

Thorn: one when he called me, I heard moans and they were both fucking.

Blaze: ah..... Seriously, we are literally at a fucking party, they have no shame.

Thorn: shut up, you're the same, anyway it's better that we go to the damn rooms.

*Blaze just pouted, and they started to leave, of course Thorn was nervous as was Blaze, "why would Thunderstorm wanted them to go to those rooms and for what."*

* They didn't give it much importance, Thorn was the first to arrive, he was standing at the front of the room with his hand on his heart, beating very hard.*

*Blaze put his hand on Thorn's shoulder and he looks at him with a calm smile.*

Blaze: well I think I have to go, I have to walk back.

Thorn: I still wonder why you came to leave me.

Blaze: Literally, you wouldn't let go of me, so I better come and leave you.

Thorn: well, I don't stop you anymore, bye!.

* Thorn turns blaze around and pushes him to continue on his way, blaze just kept going and walked to the room he was assigned.*

* Thorn was nervous, he wasn't sure if he would go in or not, he didn't know that he was waiting for him, he took a short breath, taking the handle of the door, he would open it slowly, first he poked his head in and little by little later he entered the room. *

Thorn: h-hello, is there anyone here?

???  : Yes, come in, I was waiting for you.

Thorn: so-solar!... What are you doing here...?

Solar: I wanted to talk to you, since they gave me some news, but when I returned to the class, you were no longer there.

Thorn: oh!... Is that, I was already gone, Cyclone came for me.

* Thorn was standing at the door of the room, he closed the door and went further inside.*

Thorn: what did you want to tell me, then?

* Solar and Thorn locked eyes for a while, Solar sighs, and walks over to Thorn and hugs him.*

* Confused, Thorn didn't know what was going on, suddenly, he got nervous, the boy he liked was hugging him, Thorn didn't know how to respond.*

Thorn: so-solar, is everything alright?  you're squeezing me

Solar: I will be moving from the country.......

Thorn: w-what...

* Upon hearing the words, Thorn hugged Solar tightly, his eyes began to crystallize and his body began to tremble, Solar felt how his body trembled.*

Thorn: please... *hicc* please don't *hicc* go...

Solar: Thorn!  MRS. THORN!

thorn: ehhhh!?

* Thorn was taken out of his imagination, he came back from his world, not least in arcord he found himself sitting in his seat and his teacher yelling his name from the blackboard.*

Thorn mind: don't tell me..., I imagined in the whole class, nooooo, it felt so real.


Hellooooo juventuuuuud

I here a new chap

So how was it?.

What ya expect, this is a enamorado de mi professor, of course thorn have to imagined he's life With the man he loveeeeee.


Anyway me going to die now

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