♥ of course, you're worth it! ♥

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"Of course I love you dummy. What the hell are you thinking in that brain, why wouldn't I?" Louis asks as he rubs the back of Harry's hand with his thumb gently. "I don't know, I just think I'm a burden to y'all. Like I'm always so weak and always the one who needs to be taken care of" Harry admits.
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"Hey non of that now, you're not a burden. Yes you may need some extra rest or treatment sometimes but that doesn't make you weak. Complete opposite, you're very strong, I really admire how much strength you have to carry on" Louis tries. Harry doesn't know what to say at those beautiful words. He doesn't want to argue but he just can't feel the same as Louis. "What if the others think I'm a complete mess?" He says sadly. "Harry, look at me, listen, you're not a mess. And if you were a mess, you would be the most perfect mess ever and I know the others thinks the same as me" Louis says and wipes Harry's tears away.

"Let's go home okay?" Louis says and Harry nodds. He then opens the car door and goes to the other side to open Harry's door for him. "Your majesty" Louis says as he opens the front door and lets Harry go in first.

They went straight to bed and both of them fell asleep quickly cuddled into each other.


"Are you a little grumpy today?" Louis teased. Harry wasn't in the mood at all. "Shut up" he murmured and continued to chew on his breakfast. "Sorry I didn't meant to ups-" Louis trues and Harry cuts him off, "just don't. Just let me be".

Louis was aware of the side effects of Harry's meds. Sometimes he got grumpy for no reason and could have that mood for the rest of the day. Mood swings was a common thing. But Louis sas a bit worried because he knew how Harry could get when he hadn't taken his meds. Louis decided not to question it yet, just in case he would just make Harry more annoyed than he already is.

"So, what's your plans for today?" Louis asks sweetly as he tries to make a conversation. "Lou I now I have an illness or whatever it's called, but I don't need to be talked to like a kindergarten kid" Harry says and puts away his dishes. "Harry I'm just trying to have a convo with you! But it seems impossible when you are like this" Louis snaps, he was tired himself and Harry's mood was contagious. "Oh so now this is my fault?" Harry argues. "No! What fault? Ah whatever, do what you want. I'll go for a run" Louis says as he tromps off the kitchen to the hallway to put on his joggers. Harry rolls his eyes and goes to the couch to watch some TV.

For Louis's side, he always had to take care of Harry, and always had to stay positive when he was grumpy or annoyed or stuff like that. But sometimes it was hard, it really wore Louis out. These runs in the fresh air helped his nervs to calm down.

On the other hand, it wasn't exactly like Harry could control his mood swings. Sometimes he just had worsedays, even periods. But today was special, he hadn't taken his meds because of the thoughts he had yesterday. He wanted to try and have one, just one, normal day, as a normal human. He hated the fact that he was the reason to make Louis angry. He didn't mean to upset him.

Harry tries to call Louis but he doesn't pick up. "Shit, hopefully I haven't messed this up too bad" Harry mumbles under his breath as he tries to call again. He decides to go run after him instead on waiting for Louis to come back home.

Harry feels a little dizzy spell as he stands up from the sofa and has to steady himself with with the help of the wall. He closes his eyes and waits for it to go away. After that he walks slowly to the hallway a few meters, every step is harder. Suddenly black spots starts dancing in his vison that is now blurry.

His phone flies off his hand as Harry falls to the floor and his eyes rolls back. His body started jerking and his limbs went stiff and hands were in clenched fists. He was convulsing, he was having another seizure. And where was Louis? No one was at home.

Suddenly a few minutes later, the door bursts open. "Harry! I saw you called! Sorry I didn't notice before I was already behind the door" Louis admits as he takes off his shoes and jacket. He walks to the living room and notices a spasming Harry on the floor. "Shit shit shit" Louis almost chokes on air. He goes straight into panic mode and has absolute no idea what to do.

"Okay, Lou. You got this, you have witnessed this before many times" Louis tries to calm himself down and takes a deep breath. "Timer!" Louis says out loud and grabs his phone. He knows it's already been atleast one minute, he checks the time when Harry called him which was 4 minutes ago. And Harry was still seizing. "Shit okay forget the timer, I'm gonna call an ambulance" Louis instructs himself and just then Harry starts to slow down. Louis is still a bit panicky and doesn't know whether to call the ambulance or not. He hesitantly decides to wait for a litte moment.

Louis retrieves a pillow from the couch and puts it under Harry's head. He lays him on his side.

"Hey, can you hear me? Try to open those beautiful eyes, yeah?" Louis says soothingly as he gently brushes his thumb across Harry's cheek. It took a little while but Harry's eyes eventually fluttered open and he was confused. "H'd s'zur right?" Harry asks weakly, knowing the feeling he had too well. "Hey easy, don't talk yet. You had a really long seizure, I'm still thinking about calling the ambulance" Louis says. "N-...no...d'nt like h'sptial" Harry manages. "It's not about what you like, it's about what you need baby. But okay, I won't. Just if you feel worse we call them immediately" Louis says and gets a small nod from Harry, who is currently fighting to stay awake. He was super tired, once again.

"Do you remember what happened?" Louis asks softly. Harry shakes his head slightly in response. But after a while he knows why he had a seizure. He just hadn't energy to talk to tell Louis yet. They waited until Harry was more aware of things and he could talk better. "Lou...I'm sorry" he says, avoiding eye contact. "Hey, don't be sorry love. I know you can't control the seizure, or the mood swings" Louis tells him. "It's not about that...I-...I didn't take my meds today" Harry admitted.

There was a silent moment for a few seconds until Louis broke it, "Harry...you know you can't just skip them like that. Why are you doing this?" Louis inquires. "I just...I just wanted to be a normal person, just for once" Harry says, still avoiding eye contact. "Love...just because you have an illness doesn't mean you're not normal" Louis soothes him. The words coming from Louis, his love of life, was always something that helped Harry relax. He trusted him with all his heart.

There's a knock on the door that they weren't expecting. "Just, lay here. Don't try to stand up yet" Louis says as he stands up himself to go open the door while Harry still lays on the floor where he had just had a seizure. Louis opens the door and behind it was their friends standing. "What are you guys doing here?" Louis asks confused. "Can't we come in?" Niall aksed. "Uhm, you invited us. Just like half an hour ago" Liam added. "Is wverything alright? You look stressed out" Zayn notices.

"Woah guys, slow down with the questions. Uhm I kinda...forgot I invited you and uhm...Harry have just had a seizure, I don't know if he wants company right now" Louis explains. The boys were a bit shocked from the news and didn't really know what to say. "It's okay guys you can come in!" They hear Harry's faint voice yelling from the living room. Louis lets them in and they go all back to the living room.

"Hey, heard you had a seizure again. Are you feeling better?" Liam inquires. "Yeah I am" Harry says as he slowly sits up, and Louis goes to help him. "Sorry I totally forgot I invited you guys here today, I was so busy panicking" Louis admitted. "It's fine, we're glad to be here and that Harry is okay" Niall said, "it is okay for you Haz, right?" Zayn added. "Yeah guys, I'm better already" Harry confirms.

Harry told the boys how he was feeling and they said he was conpletely stupid for thinking the way he did and stupid for not taking his meds. But they all understood and were supportive, they wanted to help as much as possible.

"Sooo, what have you guys planned for your wedding?" Liam inquired. "Yeah I'm excited for the cake!" Niall exclaimed making all of the lads chuckle, including himself.

(Wedding is nearing! Stay tuned!)

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