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After getting things back where they belong. we've been handling plenty of gun runs. when the guys asked why we've not been doing shipments for Miguel I told them he's not wanting to do any more business with us due to me being in charge.

which they thought was fucked up. But I told them in due time he will come back to us to handle his shipments cause before long shit will go down the drain and he will be losing his "product".

Which is just what has been going on. the cartel has been suffering cause they haven't been getting the shipments where it's needed on time and plenty of Migugels buys are raising hell and leaving. 

This leads us to what is gonna take place today which is a meeting with Miguel and some of his men.

I stood there watching Chucky open the gate and allowing a black G-wagon to slip inside before he closed the gate behind it.

after the car was parked Nestor climbed out along with Marcus before Nestor opened the back door for Miguel to slip out.

"hola señores" I greeted

"lets get this over with shall we" Miguel says

"of course" I say before I walked in 

Having taken my seat some of my guys stood back while Miguel sat to the right of me.

"Marcus has filled me in on how he had put much trust in you to run this club. and how he knows without a shadow of a doubt this club will not parish under your control" Miguel starts off

"that is very kind of you Marcus" I say as I looked over to him with a smile before I looked back.

"so do tell me why is it that you've just stopped having my club running your shipments for you the minute I take regins?" I asked

Miguel straightened himself up and unfasted his blazer button.

"I mistakenly believed that this club would not last long in the hands of a woman." he says

"so you are sexist?" I asked

"no I know women can do and be whatever they wish. I mean my Emily is a lawyer, my mother was a damned good boss woman alongside my father with this cartel. and there are plenty of women who rung huge business and are doing amazingly." he says

"Do tell me Miguel were you informed by someone that you'd lose business if you allowed my club ran by me a woman?"I asked

"I was, and I will apologize for my mistake. I've since gotten rid of the informer" he says

"So you want us to take back over handling your shipment so you can get your old clients back with the gureentee that the shipments will be taken care of and delivered on time with no bulshit or issue?" I asked

"exactly," he says

"well the deal you've had before on the shipment will not be the same. since there is a new president we will discuss a newer and better arrangement and deal." I say

"of course" he says

"right then lets get down to business shall we?" I asked

"Si" he says

"great." I say

 we sat there talking about the arrangements and how my club will handle the shipments. we went on to talk about the cut that my club will be getting.

"I trust that these men will not still from my product?" Miguel says

"contrary to some of these citizens' beliefs my men and I aren't thieves we earn the right way and we don't steal. my men know that I will not tolerate a thief. they know that if I find out that they are stealing from the club or one of our business associates then they will be handled." I tell Miguel

"good" he says

After talking some more we've come to an agreement shook on it then Miguel had left.

Now we are back in business with the cartel and we will be handling it much better then they were doing themselves.


hola señores- hello gentlemen

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