Chapter 4

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"So you're just going to kill him?" Albedo asks after Kaeya's explanation of the day's events.

"You think I shouldn't?"

"No, no, Master Ragnvindr has demonstrated cruelty past what I think can be forgiven," he amends, though he looks at the snowy ground rather than meeting Kaeya's eyes, "but do you think that Master Diluc would be onboard with this plan?"

Kaeya would like to say that Diluc could become okay with it, if given enough time away from Crepus to see how toxic of a presence he is. Realistically though, if he ever finds out about what Kaeya is doing then it will be too soon.

"I'm just trying to protect him," he says, "so I'll tell him after I finish off the dirty work."

Albedo is very well acquainted with Kaeya's brand of 'dirty work', which is why he has come to him now. Plus, Dragonspine is a great place to avoid eavesdroppers and Albedo's camp is rather comfortable.

And Kaeya figures that his stacks and stacks of alchemy notes could be useful for finding out an inconspicuous and creative way to end Crepus' life, that could not be easily traced back to Kaeya (or Diluc, for that matter).

Albedo places a new sheet upon his easel and takes up his brush, ready to begin brainstorming - "Not a simple stabbing in the night will suffice, I presume."

"The Winery staff would get in the way and the perpetrator list would be too short."

"Poison? In his wine? That could frame one of his competitors."

"Dawn Winery's monopoly is too overwhelming for there to be competitors," though the Cat's Tail is up against the Angel's Share, it is the wine creation and distribution that is most lucrative for the Rangvindrs. "Plus with poison I would have to give it to him, and he may be wary of me now."

Yet not impolite enough to accuse Kaeya of anything outright, if his words this morning were any demonstration.

"Also," Kaeya continues, "I would prefer for his cause of death to appear to be something Diluc could not have prevented, as to safeguard his mental health during the grieving process." Regardless of whatever does kill Crepus, Diluc will probably find a way to feel guilty about it anyway.

Untraceable to any specific person

Near impossible for Diluc to feel guilty over

Crepus cannot know of Kaeya's involvement

It seems like a difficult needle to thread, but then Albedo takes on an excited smile.

"You have an idea?"

"Something that could be... Poetic. That would serve Master Ragnvindr the necessary justice and check all of your boxes," Albedo teases, drawing out the build up to his plan. "And a fun alchemy project!"

"I'd rather us carry this out before Crepus has a chance to meddle any further."

His boyfriend sighs, "Whilst efficiency may be key, there is a bigger hurdle to my idea than lost time from a few extra sentences. We'll need an electro vision."

Albedo had been very congratulatory about Kaeya's nice, new cryo vision, but of course their conversation quickly turned to the topic of murder. Even now that visions come back up, his is not particularly helpful. Makes him wonder, just for a moment, whether Albedo is intentionally trying to sabotage his plan to kill Crepus.

But then he looks into his eyes, seeing an impassioned spark flash within them as he taps his paintbrush against the side of the easel.

"Okay, I'll bite - what is your idea? Why do we need an electro vision?"

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