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Felix x Kassam | Smut | AU|
TW: TW: bullying, body shaming, homophobia, referenced loss of parent

This is a one-shot about realizing your worth. 


Felix Cummings stared out at the ocean and sighed. The afternoon sun shone on the water, making it sparkle, and the waves crested along the shore, the crash and woosh creating a powerful rhythm that felt like music.

Usually days at the beach fueled his optimism, but today something felt off. Something had been off for a while now, if he were honest. A restless desire for new, for better, had been thumping in his chest to its own chaotic measure.

Now was not the time to think like that, though. It was a party and he was supposed to bring the fun. At least, that's the role he'd always given himself.

Bare feet kicking up sand, Felix turned to the group on the patio. "It's gonna be a great day, guys!" He followed up his exclamation with a few whoop whoops, in the hope that it would get everyone pumped for the barbecue.

Like always though, no one shared his enthusiasm. Except for Tim, who whooped in return. He gave him a fist bump for it as he jogged to the deck.

Viv, Elladine, Jen, and Allegra were standing around the grill, checking out the steaks and the veg skewers. "The trick is, you have to be patient," Bill said, as he turned the skewers for what had to be the hundredth time.

Gary stood back, shaking his head. "Nah, bruv, you're gonna burn them. That fire's too hot and the grill looks like it needs to be cleaned. That can cause a grease fi–"

"I know what I'm doing." Bill flipped the already dark steaks again.

"I'm sure it will be fine," Elladine said, though she didn't sound convinced. Viv turned to hide a giggle, and Jen nodded in her bobblehead way and gave the grillmaster a sweet smile. "Yeah, Bill knows how to do it."

"Best call for a pizza," Gary muttered.

Jasper's eyes narrowed as he sat up from his deck chair. "Do not burn down my summer home, Bill."

It was so odd to hear Jasper call the place they were staying for a weekend holiday, a summer home. As if it were a cosy little cottage and not a massive beachfront mansion with more rooms than a hotel. But minted people saw things differently.

"I won't burn it down!" Bill said, through clenched teeth.

While everyone faffed about, Felix's gaze wandered to Viv and Elladine. Jen had brought them along, so they were new to the group. Both were single, sexy, and wearing tiny bikinis.His cousin Jakub's eyes had bulged out of his head when he saw them bouncing around during the volleyball game earlier. Of course, Jakub's girlfriend Cherry wasn't keen on the way he'd ogled them, and got all aggy about it. Which wasn't unusual. They broke up more than DFS had end of season sales.

So Jakub and Cherry were inside the mansion fighting, which is why everyone else was outside watching Bill barbecue.

Felix bit his lip and tried to catch the girls' attention. "Um, does anyone want to go for a dip?" They all ignored him which was even less of a surprise than Cherry and Jakub having another argy-bargy. But he couldn't let the silence get him down. He desperately needed to make a girl interested in him. Jakub had been paying close attention–too close–to his lack of love life and was starting to make uncomfortable insinuations. So, he didn't much care which bird he pulled. All he needed was one of them to swipe his V-card, and then his cousin would stop taking the piss, and actually be proud of him for once.

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