Chapter 1| brothers

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C/n= country name

So I have a few things to explain. Onoloko is your brother. He's an oc that I had and I will get a picture of him soon. He has wolf ears and a tail. He's also taller then you, although you have more land than him he's taller. Because if you two were your full height you would be scary as heck. The 'cave' you live in is only a little bit smaller than the face of the earth and your underground. Onoloko has half and so does you. But you have a little bit more.

You and him are magic but he has more werewolf type things. You just have different types of magic. You are speaking in your c/n's language but I didn't want to type random letters.

Warning this has violence and all that jazz.

You have been warned


"Onoloko I swear to the creator of you don't call off this war I'm gonna get violent!"

I scream at my brother. My voice echoing in this large cave we call home. That is my best attempt to be intimidating without using magic. All he does is laugh from the top of his murder weapon. Seemingly amused at my ranting

"You see sibling, yelling isn't gonna get you anywhere. You know that even if I call off my troops, they're still gonna attack your kingdom towers."

I stop dead in my tracks. My eyes widening and my breathing getting heavier. He can't be serious, he would really go as far as destroying my home?

'M-my kingdom towers?'

I think. I can practically feel my brothers grin become even wider. His cocky stare piercing my skull.

'He couldn't be serious. He knows if the crystals get ruined the worlds gonna en-'


I can hear the screaming civilians all the way from here. Practicality feeling their agony as I hold my head. Wait a second, I am feeling their agony. A sudden pain in my head makes black flood the outskirts of my vision.

A type of headache I wished I'd never experience for a long time. But I guess here we are.

'He really is that stupid innit he.'

I thought. Even my thoughts have a pained voice. Then I remember. I'm not even feeling all this pain.


I scream practically at the top of my lungs. My daughter. The place where my kingdom towers are placed. She's feeling this all.

I turn around and run full force to the kingdom towers. I feel the strange tingle in my back as I feel the 'angel' wings emerge. The thing with me is I have a lot of races in my country. And one of them is angels.

'Angel' wings only appear in deep stress, so that's fun. I fly as fast as I can to the kingdom towers. Witch is pretty fast cause they are one of the fastest races here.

I can smell the smoke and see the flames and I go over the last hill. Heck this is a mess. A shot rings go through the sky as I go plummeting down to the ground. I recognize them instantly as onolokian bull rings.

I let down my guard for one second and this happens. I attempt to slow my fall by grabbing onto trees, but I only end up injuring my arm in the process.

I hit the ground with a loud 'thud'. my arms and legs are sore, along with the burning pain from my wings. But I have to ignore that. The ground is rugged and burnt. Obviously they've hit this place already.

I slowly look up to be greeted by a burning set of towers.

But wait.
You must be so confused right now.
Let me explain

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