Chapter 5| complications

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Your pov

Once we get home it's dark already. And man were we tired. We had spent the whole car ride yelling and having fun.

The only two that still had energy when we got back were Yukon and Canada. Yeah I decided to say his real name because I was running out of nickname ideas.

Some of the 'kids' fell asleep. They aren't kids but I call em that. But anyways me and Canada had to carry Prince and Newfoundland inside. Canada got the job of Newfoundland because at my current height... he would be easy for me to carry I just don't want to.

Anyways once we all got inside most of the kids went to bed, and me and Canada put Prince and Newfoundland to bed as well.

Now the only ones awake are Canada, me, Yukon and Alberta. Yukon is in the kitchen making tea, Canada went to his room to make some phone calls, and so that leaves me and Alberta.

We're sitting in the living room. He's been trying to teach me more English so it doesn't sound like I'm choking every time I talk.

It's working pretty well, and I'm getting the hand of most of the words... although I can't seem to figure out the their words.

Why is it that there is so many versions when you write it down?! They have there, their, they're. That's too many!

But anyways once we're done we just sit in silence. I honestly don't know how to start a conversation with Alberta. So I've been sitting here trying to figure it out.

Until he speaks.

"Hey C/n?"

I turn my head over from looking at my lap.


"Well I was wondering... why are you here?"

I pause for a minute, wondering if I should tell him or not. Would it really be that bad of an idea?

But what if he overreacts and attacks me. I don't even know how much magic I can still do.

"U-uhmm... w-well it was my brothers fault."

I say, a little confidently.


I decide that I can't tell them right now. I might tell Canada but I'm not telling his kids yet.

"You might see that later. Right now I think that you should go to bed."

He looks at me with a 'are you dumb' face. Before hitting me in the head with a pillow.

"I'm not a kid Y'know."

I stay quiet and turn my head over to the door. I make a signal with my hand at the hallway. He only sighs and walks to his room.

Once he's gone I lay down on the couch. Only now realizing how tired I am.

So with that, I drift off into a undisturbed sleep.

Yukon's pov

I had just finished tea for my dad. He was in his office doing paperwork, and I wasn't tired so I decided to make tea.

I felt like doing something nice. When I finally finish the setup of the tray, I make my way to the office.

But once I get close to the living room I feel something weird. Some sort of powerful feeling, like... like a god is in the next room.

They say curiosity killed the cat, well let's hope that doesn't happen because I followed the power feeling.

Once I make it to the outside of the living room, I see a cotton candy blue light spilling out from the door.

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