Chapter 13| not just a dream

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Your pov

Okay okay... just calm down I C/n. Try to remember all that happened in the dream.

I slowly walk forward, trying to think of everything. Even counting my steps.

4, 5, 6, 7, 8!

I turn around and immediately run back. Quickly identifying the figure before me and kicking his left hand.

A knife goes flying out of his hands and towards me. Which I catch with ease.

Without wasting another second I turn back and run. Running straight down the middle.

I can hear the shaken footsteps from behind me get desperate as I run off with the knife. I simply chuckle victoriously and I keep running. Trying to get to the place I need to be.

Everything starts coming back to me, like a memory rather than a mere dream. In fact, everything feels quite too vivid to be a dream. It feels so real.

The adrenaline running through my body is the only thing keeping me going as I jump over quite a few traps, and dodge falling objects from the unstable corridor.

I see a very blocked up place with wood and metal nailed to the wall as some sort of security. Yet there is a decent sized hole In it. Just big enough for me to fit through  

Yet as I get there my foot catches and I stumble and catch myself on the dirty purple carpet of the room.

Landing right next to a plushie of an alligator with star glasses and a red Mohawk?

And a cartoon like figurine with the caption of something like an ink machine?

But that's all I could catch before I sprint back through the bright neon styled room, filled with stuff like that.

My actions get much hastier as I try my best to run through the room.

I wasn't supposed to trip

That wasn't part of the dream

So I start sprinting rather than my previous overconfident run. Knowing that if I go any slower it would end up like the dreams. And though I couldn't feel it, all of those endings looked painful.

So I ran. And it seems like all I did was run until I recognized something. Anything from the dream. Of which I would slow my pace a bit and try to remember what it did.

And I tried to follow the dream to a t. Turning the right way at crossroads, kicking a certain thing back to slow his pace. Making all sorts of decisions to guarantee my survival.

All the while I can hear him question how I knew what he would do. And how I keep doing it. It was quite amusing

But then I recognize something, a major something.

I can see the end. The only unblocked place in the whole locked establishment. Yet I don't know what to do after what happens in a second.

I died before I could

The seconds feel like minutes as I run. Almost to the mental marker I made as to when the violent chaos happens.

I briefly close my eyes as I pass it. 1...2...3...4



i propel myself to the left like my life depended on it. Which it did. A small jet like ammunition whips passed me, and I can feel the air buzz past my shoulder



Another shot is fired from the hell weapon he holds in his hand. I turn back to the right this time. Though I immediately jump once more to the right. As another load is put into the weapon almost immediately after he fired. But I don't know how far I was supposed to move



My anxiety after that loud bang was beating through the walls of my head. There was a chance that I didn't move fast enough. Or far enough. I hadn't practiced it in the dream. All I knew was that I had to move.

All my panicked thinking was interrupted by a sharp agonizing pain ran through my body. He had hit the side of my stomach. Just by barely.

I let out a slight shriek of pain. Sure I had been through worse but not by this weapon. I wasn't used to this pain. The pain that could be caused by such a small object.

I didn't want to know what a blow to the stomach felt like. I already know how it felt to have something magic powered hit your stomach. And I doubt this pain would be anywhere near that. But still

Manic laughter rings from behind me as I struggle to go on. Whoever this is is absolutely insane. Trust me. I've seen a fare share of insane people.

My hands grip the door as I push it with all my might. Aware of how close he is now.

The door opens with strong objection, as an ear splitting screech emits from it. Light from the cheap ceiling panels peak from the door as I push harder.

Then suddenly the door flings open, like I had gotten past the rusted and aged section.

Excitement and relief fill me as I see some certain people standing in a circle arguing. Denmark, who had been standing off to the side, obviously not wanting to join in, turns his head to me.

And his eyes widen as he sees me. He yells something as everyone else turn around.

Without second thought I run right into Denmark's arms and hug him. Probably tighter than I'd ever hugged everybody. Yet then again I didn't get much hugs as a kid. Or as an adult

I zone out the loud banter and yelling from everyone around me, and close my eyes. Soothed by the soft patting on my back.

And I finally succumb to sleep. Tired from staying up all week, and probably blood loss.

A surprisingly peaceful sleep. Like I haven't a care In the world


Hello again! It feels like I haven't updated in a while. I probably didn't. Meh I'm to lazy to check.

In the next chapter we'll figure out who this person is. If you didn't figure it out already

Anyways sorry for my grammar and spelling mistakes and have a good rest of your day/night!

Also 5k reads!?

I don't deserve y'all I really don't

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