Chapter 2| Above Tribes

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Your pov





I lay on what I assume is the ground, my slow heartbeat the only thing I can hear And darkness the only thing I can see

It's been like this for a while now. I don't know exactly how long. Just.... Long.

I feel like I'm stuck, but I know I'm not. This is just what the virus does to me. If I get knocked out, this happens until I'm awake. It's something tedious I deal with all the time.

Just as I try to form another thought, the dark around me starts turning gray. Finally this darkness is over.


I slowly open my eyes, my vision blurry. I use my hands and try to find my bearings. I grab the cold ground...

Wait a sec why am I freezing cold.

I suddenly realize my freezing body and bolt up. My vision now clear as I see a pile of snow fall to the ground in front of me.

When I fell I heard birds and felt grass, why is there snow. I look at my hands, my usual flag color turning purples and blues. I'm surprised I don't have frostbite.

I don't know where I am, if I'm safe, or if I'm gonna find civilization any time soon...

Meh I've delt with worse.

I slowly get up, trying to stabilize myself on my shaking legs. I regret wearing a short sleeved outfit.

The one damn day I wear short sleeves I get stranded in an unknown land.

I look around, trying to see any evidence of where I am. When I look around I see a heavily wooded area. Trees everywhere. Snow lining the leaves and pine needles.

Honestly it's really pretty. Not as pretty as the hot waters in my country but still pretty. I remember that my clothes are frozen. I knew when I woke up but I just remembered. My hand finds it's way to the hem of my shirt, grabbing a handful and trying to get the frost off.

But despite my efforts, I can't make my shirt any Warmer. I think for a second before deciding to try to find out where I am. Maybe if I turn up to face the sky, I'll find out where I am.

So I do, Expecting to try to figure out what rocks make up the face. But instead to be met with a grayish blue sky. White partials falling from the gray sky.

Surprised, I stumble back. Hitting a tree and looking up at the sky again. What is this, some kind of otherworldly magic?

I was so surprised, even though I figured to find something different than what's at home. I'm honestly stupid.

Just as I try to get off of the tree, it shakes and another snow pile falls on me. Then I remember the situation I'm in. I brush off the snow.

Oh yeah.

I lift up my hand to try to find my bracelet. The one that tells me time, date ect. I find the bracelet high up my arm, it's cold surface brushing against my skin.

I reach to pull it down, shivering when my freezing hand touches my slightly warmer arm. I slide it down and tap the purple crystal, the hologram flashing a bit before fully appearing.

... it's been a couple of months?!?! At least four!! My children can't survive that long without me!!

I literally have 83 children and you expect them to be all alive when I get home?!

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