Chapter 1 - Bodies

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       The snow fell just like any old day. In light floats, tenderly over the two corpses.

      "Look, the Chief Investigator is here." Walking past the whisper of men and towards the sectioned-off area in the snow. Oh, the snow. The once pearly white snow had now been stained with other officers' rushed feet and blood. The corpses had been discovered by a couple of teens looking around in this dumpsite. Now they were shivering, lips blue, while trying to convince the other officers on the scene that they weren't the ones to kill the unidentified bodies.

      "Chief, we need your opinion." Colby, one of the actual hard-working newbies, called out. Though his pink hair isn't in any way professional, he still tries to convince me that it's natural. The bodies had been covered by the tremendous amounts of snow that had fallen the past couple of days.

      "Their faces are carved off?"

      "Not only are their faces gone, but so are their fingertips and teeth."

      "The killer made sure that no one could recognize these bodies." I crouch down to the bodies, studying them a bit more. I stick my hands into my pockets to keep my fingers from falling off. "What about any sort of identification? Driver's license or papers?"

      "None. They don't even have a stick of gum in their pockets." Meaning the killer not only took away any type of identifying the body but also possibly robbed them. No. A robber wouldn't carve a face-off and remove teeth. There is a motive here. "What do you think they were doing at a dump site? Selling drugs? A drug dealer would go the distance to remove fingerprints and faces. It also fits why there is nothing in their pockets, a drug dealer would also rob their victims. Especially if they had some cash or some of the deals."

      "While that is a good hypothesis, their clothes don't fit them. It's almost like it's not their clothes at all. Like they were rushed or forced to come here. Look, this one's wearing their shirt backward." Just as we both were putting together a story, loud shouts and arguing were coming from behind us. And when I turned around, I nearly wanted to get physical. It was Major Akainu. Everyone knew that he was the one in charge of the not-so-secret militia. It was a force that did some of the state's dirty work. He uses his power blatantly to get whoever into submission. No one knows why on earth his majesty, Gol D. Roger, put him in charge.

      "I see that they named you Chief of Investigations on this case as well, Sabo."

      "I just go wherever I am told, Major."

      "Just like a good dog should." I bite back my tongue. Major Akainu walks over to the bodies. He leans over them. Letting some of his cigarette buds fall onto the crime scene. But I'd rather that than him now digging out the bodies.

      "Major! You're disturbing the scene!" I try to tell him off, but some other members of the "secret police" kindly interrupt me with a sharp jag to the gut. It takes everything in me not to hurl up today's breakfast.

      "Whatever do you mean "Chief", I'm just doing the dirty work for you myself. You and your men should be thanking me." He lifts one of the bodies' legs out of the snow and sees that a piece of their calf was also carved out. Kolby stumbles back from the stench of rotting flesh. Still not used to how pungent it is. "See, you and your men would've taken hours even getting this leg out with all of you taking turns vomiting." He stands up and walks shoulder to shoulder with me. "I'll leave this case with you. If anything... unusual comes up. I want it on my desk."

      And with that, the Major and his cheer squad walk off the scene. Leaving behind a few more footprints than I wanted.

      "Are they gone yet?" Kolby walks back onto the scene after, what I'm guessing, emptying his gut.

      "Gone and left. While even leaving us some more clues to not dig up." I walk over to a tree and lean my back against it. Flickering with the spark wheel of a lighter a friend from the past gifted me. My body seemed to relax, like always, to the soft flicker of the flame. It wasn't like those harsh flames you'd see in paintings and the arts. But a welcoming flame that called to you.

      The calming flame was just what I needed to concentrate on to gather my thoughts. Why the dump yard? Why was it so necessary to go as far as to get rid of the teeth? And why did Major Akainu suddenly show up and mess with the scene? How did he know to dig out that one body's leg?

      Though I think I can answer those last two. He and his goons probably had their fingers all over their body in the first place and knew that if we found them it would be a headache. But if that's the case, why not just take this case from us now instead of when we find something incriminating?

      The stationed homed many things that questioned outsiders. One would be the giant stacks of papers that stacked one another on every militia member's desk. Next would be the nose-scrunching smell of something that the militia and I have named three days without showering and a hint of bad coffee and alcohol. And for a nice touch, it would all be layered with a thick screen of smoke.

      "Sabo, I need you in my room." The cause of the smoke, Captain Smoker, called out before I could even get my coat off. Rolling my shoulders back, I take my fur hat off and hang it before walking towards the captain's room.

      "Captain sir." I salute.

      "At ease. Take a seat and tell me why the Major was at the crime scene." Smoker lights another cigar while running his hands through his hair.

      "Major Akainu showed up at the scene to destroy evidence, sir."

      "Please tell me that's not what you're going to write in your report."

      "I'm tempted, sir."

      "You know when he reads that report the whole division will just laugh in your face."

      "I'm well aware sir." He takes a slow breath of his cigar. Lingering one the feeling in his chest before releasing.

      "Don't be stupid, have Kolby write that report."

      "With all due respect sir. If he writes the statement report then I will most definitely be looked down upon as a Chief who makes others do his work."

      "Then be a smart Chief and leave your feelings out of that report. You're dismissed." I salute the captain again making my way towards the door. "You're a smart kid Sabo, just bite back your tongue and keep your head held high."

      "Thank you, sir."

Authors Note:

      Hello, thank you for reading all the way through the first chapter. This one will be shorter than the others. Majority of the story will be told from Sabo's POV. Reader is introduced next chapter.

Word count: 1203


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