Chapter 4: Sigils & Sorcery

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The next day, Verdant went to find his brother. Seeing how he knew Forte's routine rather well, he went to the dining room and waited for him. Forte walked into the room, and upon seeing his brother, he was overwhelmed with immense guilt and embarrassment.

"Brother, do you have a minute?"

"Tch. That depends. What do you want?

Forte let out a deep sigh. "Look... About last night."

Verdant cut him off. "I gave you an idea, and you didn't like it. It's nothing new. I've come to expect it from you. Besides... you know best, right?"

Forte struggled to remain calm.

"Seriously? This is a waste of time. He never listens to anything I have to say. Doesn't he know how rare of an occasion it is that I admit I'm wrong? Why did I even bother to try?"

"Why is it that anytime I try to talk to you, you make it almost impossible? I want to apologize."

"You... want to apologize? Really? Well, in that case, please. Go ahead. Since your wife worked so hard preparing it."

"Excuse me? What the hell do you mean by that?? I am more than capable of making my own apology!"

Verdant scoffed. "Oh really? That would surprise me. You have never written anything on your own. It's a miracle you can even put more than one word together."

Forte's nostrils flared. "How far do you intend to push me? Are you trying to make me angry?? I may be your brother, but I'm also your king. I deserve respect!"

Verdant chuckled. "Respect? Respect?? Do you even understand the concept?! Not once have you ever shown an ounce of respect for me! You don't even have the common decency to say thank you."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Really?? My god, you are an idiot! The fact that you even have to ask shows exactly how incompetent you are! It's truly amazing. For years, I have stood in the background and watched while you've made one fuck up after another. I don't know why you even bother to have a council, much less have me lead them. You have never taken a single suggestion! You constantly disagree with us. You have fought us at every turn! Our father would be ashamed."

Forte stood silent.

"You can save your apology. I'm not interested."

He turned to leave. "Oh. One other thing. I know you're going to be giving an address today about Apollo. We need to conduct a census. Adding more people to our ranks will throw everything out of balance. You can handle that, at least, right?"

He calmly walked out.

Back in his chamber, Forte prepared for his speech. Cadence had already laid out his clothes and address for him. Anytime he had to speak, she would be the one to write. Forte had always struggled with public speaking. The anxiety was too much for him. As for Verdant, he and Freyja had met up and waited for tomorrow.

Finally, in the amber glow of the sun's setting, people from all the neighboring cities had gathered, and Forte stepped out to address his people.

"Citizens of Unison! I have been your king for a long time, and throughout my rule, our kingdom has basked in a perpetual state of peace and prosperity, thanks to the guidance of my father. In all his wisdom, he led us to greatness.

Sadly, the era of our unparalleled prosperity is fading. Our resources dwindle, and with each passing day, the hope of finding more does as well. The relentless rays from the scorching sun are causing our lands to become barren. Our trees wither, our wildlife fades, and our source of water dries.

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