Chapter 9: Tempus Fugit

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"As much as I wish I could stay with you, I have a war to prepare for," Forte sighed.

"I know. Besides, I'm not going anywhere! We'll have all the time in the world after we win this war,"

"What do you mean, 'we'?"

"What? You didn't think I was just going to stand back and watch while you and everyone else risk their lives, did you?" Her tone held surprise.

Forte's voice became intense. "Yes. Because that's exactly what you're going to do."

"Seriously? Why? You've seen what I can do! Or have you already forgotten about the incredible healing spell I just used? I can help! People will be injured or worse! Let me help you!"

Forte's nostrils flared. "Perhaps you didn't understand me... You will not go anywhere near the fighting! You're far too important! You're too young and have no business in warfare!"


"No! You will stay here in the castle and keep your mother safe. She and your brother need you. Is that understood?" He asked adamantly.

The room became completely silent as their tensions filled the air. As they stood there glaring at each other, Melody's face became flushed, and her cheeks began to puff out.

After what felt like an eternity, the silence was broken.

"Yes, sir."

"Thank you. You may go now."

She nodded and left the room.

He sighed.

"It's not easy being a father, is it?" said Apollo, chuckling.

Forte sighed heavily. "Did I overreact?"

"No. Not in the slightest. It's obvious to me and everyone else that you had her best interest in mind. As any good father would."

Forte looked down slightly. "I... I've never been a father before. It's not something that can really be taught. Honestly, I don't know what a loving father is supposed to look like. Growing up, mine was always cold toward me. He never said, 'I love you'. He was very stoic and emotionless. I don't doubt that he loved me. He just did it in his own way."

Apollo walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Your father and I are a lot alike. Men of few words. We speak only when necessary. Because of that, we are seen as cold, heartless monsters who care about nothing and no one."


"But... I'd like to let you in on a secret, young king. Just because we appear that way doesn't mean that we don't care. It's quite the opposite. It's because we care so much that we choose to hide it."

Forte turned toward Apollo. "What?"

Apollo smiled. "As with any kind of leader, a certain type of decorum is expected. A leader is supposed to be seen as strong, disciplined, determined, an iron-fist, willing to drop the hammer of judgment at any given moment. The fact that you are willing to do all of that is the very meaning of love. Doing what must be done to take care of those who are important to you."

"Apollo... I must say I'm surprised. You didn't strike me as someone who was capable of compassion and such deep insight."

"Another important lesson. Don't judge others by their appearance. I have faith in you, young king. You will do great things."

Forte smiled. "Thank you."

Apollo's expression turned to stone once again. "Sadly, the time for pleasantries is over. We have a war to prepare for. What is your plan?"

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