Chapter 8: Ties That Bind

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Forte stared in awe at what he'd just seen. Even though he had seen it happen, he had a hard time believing it.

"Forte, can you stand? We need to get you on this table."

He nodded. He placed his right hand on what was left of the armrest and pushed himself up. Cadence had her right arm locked with Forte's and walked him over to the table. Once there, she helped him down onto his back. Cadence ran her hand through his hair once again to try and comfort him.

"Thank you. I'm going to be alright. Melody can heal me. What I need from you now is to go rest. You've been through so much... I worry for you and our son. Please, go rest."

"As you wish, my love,"

"I'll be in our bedroom if you need me." She kissed his forehead and walked out of the room. Melody looked down at Forte and smiled.

"Your wife is such a wonderful woman. She's so kind and caring. She'll be an amazing mother."

Forte smiled as he looked towards the doors. "She truly is. She's been nothing but kind and patient with me for so many years. She's more than I deserve. I have a favor to ask."

Melody smiled. "What is it?"

"If something happens to me and I die... Promise me you'll take care of her. That you'll help her. That you'll be there for her if I can't. I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust you. That I can depend on you. Can you do that for me, Melody?"

She smiled. "I promise. I'll do everything I can for her. But for now, we need to take care of you, alright?"

He smiled "Yes."

"Then let's get started!" She said cheerfully. "You're going to feel a wave of warmth slowly wash over your body. Like the comfort of the sun's rays. Are you ready?"


She nodded. "Try and relax."

A hush descended upon the room as she nodded with grace. With an ethereal tranquility, she once again bowed her head, her focused gaze now veiled behind closed eyes. The air around them seemed to shimmer with anticipation, like the flame of a freshly lit candle.

Placing her hands in an intricate diamond shape over Forte's body, her fingers became like a sacred compass, guiding the currents of holy energies. With a voice that resonated with authority, she uttered the incantation, "Radii lucis sanationis!"

A heavenly brilliance erupted from her hands as if the very essence of the sun had chosen this chamber as its stage. The tapestries adorning the walls stirred and swayed like dancers, paying homage to the cosmic spectacle unfolding before them. Gentle gusts of wind swirled around them.

Blinding beams of holy light surged, casting celestial blessings in every direction.

Melody unclasped her hands and lowered them back down on the table.

"Phew. That took a lot of energy out of me. Are you feeling better now?" She asked as she panted.

Without hesitation, Forte rose from the table and stood up.

"In all my years, I've never felt this good. Every worry I have ever had... Every illness and instance of pain I've ever experienced... It's gone! It's as if I've become someone else."

Forte drew Melody in close to his chest and wrapped both of his arms around her in a tight embrace.

He normally wasn't one to show love and affection through physical means other than to Cadence. This time, however, was different. For years, he was plagued by anxiety, depression, and episodes of mania. He wasn't able to talk about or ask for help from anyone outside of his wife, for fear of being labeled as insane and put to death for fear of his condition spreading and infecting other people. He was forced to suffer in silence alone.

This was the first time he had ever felt any relief. Relief from the constant hate-filled conversations he would have with himself internally. Whether it was about not being good enough, being a failure, not feeling in control of himself, his emotions, or having any sort of real confidence. Thanks to melody, he would now be able to be the kind of man he wanted, and he could finally be the king his people needed. That he could finally be the husband his wife deserved. He was finally free.

He smiled. "Nothing I can say would be able to truly express the depths of gratitude I feel. You have not only removed the poison from me, but you have saved my life! You have done not only myself but my family and kingdom a great service. Thank you, Melody."

Melody's eyes lit up. "You don't have to thank me! You were in pain... Getting to relieve you of all that is reward enough."

"Do you have a family, Melody?"

She frowned slightly. "I used to. I ended up getting separated from my mother and father when I was young. I'm sixteen now. So it's been a while."

"I'm sorry to hear that..."

"It's ok, though! Apollo found me. He saw that I was struggling and decided to take care of me. I've been to so many places, and I've learned so much. He's the reason I'm here."

Apollo nodded.

"Have you ever thought of trying to find them?"

"I have. I thought I would have by now... Now I'm no so sure. I've basically given up the idea entirely. That being said, Apollo and the rest of the Ancients have been good to me. I love them and appreciate everything they've done for me."

She paused.

"Still... I wish I had a normal family."

Forte sighed.

"I know what that's like... Losing your parents at a young age. I lost my mother not long after I was born, and I lost my father when I was seventeen. You're not alone,".

He paused for a moment. "I'd like to make you an offer. One that I strongly hope that you'll accept."

"What would that be?" She asked, smiling.

"I want you to become the personal caretaker of myself and my family. There's no one else I'd rather have at my family's side."

"Speaking of family... I'd like to have you become a part of mine. My wife and I are expecting a son. We'd be honored to call you our daughter. If that's alright with you, of course..."

Tears of joy began to fall from Melody's face. She wrapped Forte in a tight hug, and looked up at him "I'd love to!". 

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