Chapter 3: Freyja

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No sooner than Forte sat down, the sweet, intoxicating scent of vanilla filled the air. A portal appeared in the center of the room, and out of it emerged a woman of captivating allure. With her every step, an air of seduction and power surrounded her, leaving everyone in awe.

Dressed in a tight, figure-fitting purple and black dress, her voluptuous curves commanded attention, accentuating her bust with subtle elegance. Her long, luscious, wavy violet hair cascaded like a waterfall down her back, reaching her waist. Her vivid violet eyes held a magnetic charm that could incite feelings of love, lust, and unwavering devotion with a mere glance.

Her porcelain-like skin was smooth and unblemished, adding an otherworldly grace to her appearance. As she moved, her shoulders held a regal poise, reflecting her status as a hierarchy among her kind. Her well-toned arms exuded strength and confidence. From her defined core to her powerful thighs and long, graceful legs, she exuded an aura of dominance and grace.

Forte found himself utterly enamored by her ethereal beauty, struggling to find the right words as he addressed her.

"Are you of the same race as Apollo?"

With a devilish smile, the woman spoke in a sweet voice. "Yes. My name is Freyja. I'm assuming you were offered you a book?"


"I also assume Apollo told you how powerful and all-knowing the journal was?"

Forte nodded, intrigued by her every word.

"I see... But did he tell you of the 'Soul Scales'?"

"Nay. What are these 'Soul Scales' you speak of?"

An evil and seductive smile appeared once again on Freyja's face. "I'm not surprised. Apollo was never one to talk about such... Naughty things. There are others like me who... disagree with order and control. Apollo may offer you knowledge, but I offer something else... Power."

"Power, you say?"

She held out her hand and, with a flash of light, unveiled a dazzling radiant blue crystal, captivating all who gazed upon it. Her wicked grin and enchanting demeanor took a more ominous turn.

"This... is a 'Soul Scale'. A concentrated reservoir of magickal energy, capable of tapping into the astral current from which magick flows."

"I see... How does it work?"

"It's quite simple, really. It allows mortals to use magick."

"Surely there's more to it than that. That sounds far too easy."

She giggled. "I mean, of course there is. I just didn't want to overwhelm that tiny brain of yours." She winked.

"Anytime a 'Soul Scale' user dies, their memories and abilities are transferred to the crystal and adopted by the next user, growing in strength with each iteration. With them, you can make even your wildest fantasies a reality." She paused.

"It's even has the power to overcome death... If you're willing to sacrifice your own life in exchange, that is..."

Forte's eyes widened.

"Just imagine... never losing another child again."

Forte and Cadence quickly glanced at each other.

"This Power would give you the means to completely overtake any kingdom you desire, such as the ones who have so eagerly begun to doubt you."

Verdant's muscles became tense, and his interest was piqued.

"But be warned... As with all things, there are consequences. Others before you have tried to tame the immense power and magick of the 'Soul Scales' but lost their humanity. They became what we call 'ReVerts'. Ravenous, bloodthirsty creatures with an insatiable hunger for power and death. That being said... It wouldn't be a problem for a man as strong... and confident... As you. Would it?"

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