5. "vacation"

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Nina was laying on her bed, watching supernatural. she had her phone on dnd, since it was cleaning day. and she heard the front door open. she hopped up and turned off her tv. she started pretending like she was cleaning. her mother came into the room. "hey mom" she said smiling, her mother had a disappointing look on her face. Nina's smile dropped. "what's wrong?" she asked. her mother sighed and said. "we are going on vacation, pack a few bags. don't text anyone yet. it's a suprise!" Her mother said with a smile on her face. a very fake smile. Nina could tell, but she listened to her mother. Nina grabbed a few bags and put, clothes and anything else she needed. she packed a suit case with a lot of stuff. then she brought everything down the stairs and toward the door. "where are we going mama?" nina asked and her mother smiled "it's a suprise!" Nina walked away and grabbed her shoes and put them on. she grabbed her phone and checked her messages. she answered a few. no one had texted her back today. oh. it's fine.

2 hours later
me and my mom have been driving for about 15 mins. i was so confused. during the ride I put my headphones on and clicked Spotify. playing a playlist and quickly falling asleep.

i hadn't slept that long.. maybe like 10 minutes. i checked my phone. i looked around and saw we were driving towards my dads old house, my brother lives there now" I wonder what's happening. why are we going here. "mom. why are we by bubs house?" I asked and she sighed again. "bc.. he will explain it better than I can." I was getting super anxious. my mom parked in the driveway and I saw Jonathan coming outside. i call him jon. Usually. he grabbed my bags and I followed him inside. My mom took off before I could say bye.

i sat down next to jon and asked him "why? Why am I here?" he took a deep breath and said.. "so, um, mom, is going to stay with Kendra, she doesn't think you are "good enough" to be her daughter, so she is making you stay here for a while. I'm so sorry"  I felt my heart break.. not like a romance heart break. Like my chest felt like it was collapsing, I felt as if I couldn't breath. i could die any moment. i ran up the stairs and into "my" bedroom for whenever I stay here. my chest hurt, my arms were hot, my face felt hot, my whole body was cold, but on the inside I was hot. like I was burning up. my chest rising faster and faster with each breathe. my breath felt like it was running out. i tried to stand up but I couldn't. I physically could not move. my body wouldn't let me. i wanted to text people. to find a way to go home. but I'm going to have to deal with it for awhile. i was able to get my phone and click call. i called Alexis. she talked me through it. i was able to calm down enough to get comfortable in bed and lay down. i kept thinking, I would wake up and it would all be a dream. just a bad nightmare. so I closed my eyelids and got comfortable before quickly falling asleep.


SHORT CHAP I'm sorry lolll
But y'all!! Plot twist? Ig, don't worry it all works out in the end! i would write more but I'm tired and my head is pounding.

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