Chapter Fôurty

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As if everything happened in a slow motion, Shoko chased the ball but she felt a heavy sting in her chest.

"Gah!" She yelp in pain but never forgetting to stretch out her hand for the ball. However, she could only watch as the fall fell right in front of her, even xxxx and xxxx failed to catch the ball.

Shoko fell to the floor as the ball touched the floor. Her eyes widen with pure shock. Shoko clenched her fists tightly while another hand clutching her jersey as her lips quivered.

"C-Cap... I'm sor-"

"You didn't make any mistakes! It wasn't a mistake so don't apologize!" says xxxx as he gathered up the members for a greeting.

"Let's get off the court quickly. Any discussions will be made later" says Coach xxxx and Karasuno quickly cleared the court. 

"I think... We lost against Seijoh for this..." says Shoko. 

Shoko continues to walk as more images of her memories showed up. At two different images did her heart felt warm and fuzzy, but she couldn't make out heads or tails.

Soon, Shoko reaches the end of the endless darkness. She could feel something in front of her, an invisible wall.

"An invisible wall?" Shoko moves a hand around the air as she feels something hard in the middle of nothing. 

"Why is there an invisible wall here?"




Voices calling her name was coming from all direction. She couldn't tell who was calling her or where is the origin of the voice from. 

"Shoko-chan" A gentle voice had called her. It was the voice that made her heart warm and fuzzy. 

"Shoko-chan" The voice called again as she tries to follow the voice. But due to the echo, it was hard for her to follow. 

"Shoko-chan" The voice calls once again. 

"Where are you...?" She asks but gets no answer. 

Suddenly, a strange figure appears in front of her. 

"W-What the...?"

"So we've finally meet" says the voice. But the voice is very familiar. The strange figure turns and Shoko had a shock of her life.

"Y-You're... Me?!"

"I am the inner you to be exact. The moment you were born with these powers, I was manifested along with it. I am the power that has been within you" She says.

"Wh-What h-how?!" Shoko was confused while the fake Shoko giggles. 

"Poor silly you, you don't even remember how you got here" says the fake.

"Listen, you've only have 10 minutes to make a decision" says the fake.

"Decision? What decision? What are you talking about?!" questions the real one. 

"You are nearing your death door darlin'" The fake one giggles and Shoko couldn't believe her ears.


"Like. I. Said. You are on your death door. In the real world, you are becoming severely weak from being in coma and thanks to me, your powers" says the fake. 

"O-Okay then what about the 10 minutes?" Shoko asks. 

"You've got 3 options. Option #1: Just die. Option #2: You and I will switch, meaning I take over your body and you can only live within me. Option #3: You find the person whom you love the most within your memory, say out his name and you'll live. I personally love it if you chose #2" says the fake as she plays with her hair. 

"And I have 10 minutes only?" Shoko ask. 

"If you chose #3, you'll gain additional 30 minutes to find the one you love in your blurry memories. You'll have to say out his name with an 'I love you' and if he accepts you, you are free from this cursed power. If not, you will still wake up yes but you will have no memories of them" says the fake.

'What is with this one? The demand seems unreasonable! But if I don't do something I'm gonna die... I don't want that! I want to live! I want to play volleyball!'

"I'll go with Option #3" says Shoko and the fake one laughs like an evil maniac. 

"Good luck trying to find him within these memories" says the fake as it fades away and the darkness around her suddenly gets dispelled.

A huge timer appear in mid air as it starts the countdown.




Shoko knows, she has no time to lose as she quickly dives into her memories and tries her best to recall who is the one she loves the most.

Shoko looks at the scene where xxxx and her had broken up. She didn't cry. Instead, her heart felt fuzzy.

"Is it him?" She wonders.

The scene changes as she sees another memory. It was when she was looking for Shoyo when she first met xxxx. Again, the warm fuzzy feeling in her heart.

"I know there is something different! But what?!" Shoko yells in frustration as she looks at the two images of xxxx and xxxx.

"They both give me the fuzzy feeling but... Who is it?!" Shoko was about to go bald from pulling her hair.

"Okay... Calm down and think this through Shoko..." She says to herself as she takes a look at the memories of xxxx and xxxx.

Shoko glance at the countdown timer.




There isn't much time left. Shoko continues to dive into her memories. She searched for quite long and there wasn't a single clue until, she sees something.

"Volleyball... It sounded like they play volleyball... I think they're Captains..." Says Shoko.

The volleyball disappears and Shoko continues to search.

"Arghh!! This is driving me insane!!" Shoko yells.

She realizes something.

"Insane... That word... So common yet... Leaves me a strong impression... I remember!" Says Shoko.

She glance up at the clock.



"I remember!" Shoko yells.




The countdown hits zero and a blinding white light engulfs the area and Shoko screams as she finds herself falling...

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