Chapter Twënty Twö

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The match between Karasuno and Dateko kept going back and forth and eventually, it all comes down to 21 - 24, with Karasuno at their set point. Currently it's Shoyo's serve while Tsukishima enters and Nishinoya leaves.

"Hinata nice serve!" Shoyo serves but it's an out, letting Dateko earn another point. 

"I'm so sorry!!" Shoyo squeaked.

"Don't mind don't mind"

"Shoko-chan" Kiyoko calls as she takes a sit beside Shoko.


"How are you feeling?" Kiyoko ask as she places her hand on Shoko's forehead.

"I'm fine Kiyoko-san, no need to worry" Shoko says as she gently moves Kiyoko's hand away from her forehead.

"You're running a fever though" says Kiyoko, prompting Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei turn towards the girls.

"You're running a fever Hinata-chan?!" Takeda-sensei ask.

"I-I'm fine really!" says Shoko.

'Ahh... I've been found out' 

"Take your temperature. Your health is important!" Takeda-sensei insists and Shoko takes the thermometer and waits for a while before hearing a soft beep.

"It's 38.7" says Takeda-sensei.

"Shimizu, please take her to the infirmary" says Coach Ukai and Kiyoko brings Shoko to the infirmary, much to Shoko's reluctance as she keeps looking back at the match.

"Don't worry. They will win" says Kiyoko as she lightly pats Shoko's back and brings her to the infirmary.

Meanwhile by the stands, Oikawa sees Shoko being brought out. He clenches the railings rightly. He has the urge to rush to see Shoko but he knew he couldn't.

'If I can't be there for her when she needs it, then I can't be good enough for her!'

"Just say you need the toilet or something" says Iwaizumi. 

"Iwa-chan..." Iwaizumi lets out a small smile before slapping his back hard.


"Go on" He says.

"Arigatou Iwa-chan! Coach, I'm heading for the toilet!" says Oikawa and he quickly dashes out before his Coach could even say anything.

At the infirmary, Kiyoko was sitting beside Shoko who is now out cold after the nurse gave her fever medicine.

"She should be fine after some rest" says the Nurse.

"Thank you very much" says Kiyoko.

"Shoko-chan! Ah oops..." Oikawa calls for Shoko but stops when he sees Karasuno's manager with her.

"Sorry, I'll come back later" says Oikawa and he was about to leave when Kiyoko calls him.

"You can stay with her" says Kiyoko.

"Eh? But is it alright?" Oikawa questions.

"You like her don't you. I don't see why I should stop you. I'll head back and inform my team. Now, excuse me" Kiyoko bows and leaves.

Oikawa watches Kiyoko leaves before taking a sit beside the sleeping Shoko. Oikawa sighs in relief after seeing her as he held her hand.

"You had me worry Shoko-chan" Oikawa whispers. 

He looks at her sleeping figure and reaches his hand to place a lock of her hair behind her ears.

"This reminded me of that day when you got sick after I dragged you out into the rain..." Oikawa chuckles at the memory.


"Toru-san! I'm here!" Shoko exclaims/

"Shoko-chaaaan!!!" Oikawa immediately hugs his girlfriend and spins her around. 

"I'm getting dizzy!!" She squeals and Oikawa finally puts her down.

"Shall we go?" Oikawa ask as he held out his hand. Shoko giggles and accepts and the two heads off for their date.

However it rained that late afternoon and the couple were stranded at a nearby shelter since they had their date in the park. 

"The rain doesn't seem to be stopping" says Shoko as she looks up and stretch her hand out and feel the rain fall on her palm.

At then, Oikawa had a cheeky idea as he drags Shoko out into the rain. They had fun but the next day, Shoko was down with a fever.

Of course Oikawa felt guilty. Shoyo never had a chance to meet because that particular day Shoyo was practicing hard at volleyball so he never saw Oikawa, thus never knowing the face of his sister's boyfriend.


"Shoko-chan... I hope you recover soon" says Oikawa and he leans in to kiss her forehead.

"I should get going. I'll see you later" says Oikawa and leaves. 

After Oikawa leaves, Shoko opens her eyes and lets out a long exhale.

"Oh gosh... My heart is beating fast..." Shoko mumbles groggily.


"Hinata shut up! Your sister needs some peace and quiet!"

"H-Hey guys..." Shoko greets as she sits up.

"How are you feeling?" Coach Ukai questions.

"Just sounding groggy" says Shoko.

"We won the match against Dateko!" Shoyo exclaims.

"Boke! You're being too loud!" Kageyama yells.

"Both of you shut up" says Tsukishima.

"Congratulations! And... I'm sorry" says Shoko.

"You don't have to apologize. You were pretty awesome in the first set!" says Yamaguchi.

"Umm... Where are the others?" Shoko questions, after only realizing the First Years are with her.

"They went to watch Aoba Johsai's match. I would have watch but I'm worried about you" says Shoyo.

"Arigatou Shoyo" says Shoko as she ruffles with his head.

"We will leave you to sleep" says Tsukishima.

"Rest well" says Yamaguchi.

"I'll go over to watch the match" says Kageyama.

Now the infirmary was only left with the Hinata twins.

"Alright fess up sister" says Shoyo and Shoko flinches.

"Were you using your powers during the match?" Shoyo ask. 

"N-No..." Shoko avoids eye contact.

"Nee-san!" Shoyo calls and Shoko was surprised. Shoyo almost never calls her 'Nee-san' unless it was something serious. Like this one.

"If you keep using your powers-"

"Shh Shoyo..." Shoko places her finger on Shoyo's lips as she says softly. 

"I only used it once, during that one jump float. I didn't know it would be a huge decline" says Shoko.

Shoyo sighs as he buries his head onto the bed.

"Promise me not to use it unless it's really an emergency" says Shoyo.

"... Alright..." Shoko says softly.

"Really?" Shoko nods with a tired smile.

"*sigh* Alright. Is the Doctor here though?" Shoyo wonders as he peeks around the infirmary.

Just nice at that timing, the Nurse came back and Shoyo questions if Shoko could leave as it was almost the end of the day and their next match is tomorrow. The Nurse gave an okay while giving Shoko her medicines. 

The twins then met up with their team members by the bus, where they learn that Seijoh won their match and Karasuno's next opponent is Aoba Johsai.

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