Common courtesy

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"Flowers, On your feet, Time to see Dr. kravitz." The bulky looking nurse ordered, I didn't get why he had to use my last name, It made us sound like prisoners instead of mentally troubled teens, I glared at him and threw the blanket off of me. " Fucking finally." I murmured, The nurse stared me down as he escorted me out of the confinement ward, He walked slowly behind me as we walked past the TV room, The usual faces, Cindy Craft, She was bipolar, tried to set her house on fire when she was only 10 and god only knows how much she eats, if she even eats at all. Then there was Ashton Irwin, The heart throb of the whole institution, He sat there smoking a cigarette with a smug look on his face, I honestly didn't understand what was all the big fuss over him, he's a self admitted man whore with no standards and great hair, there was nothing more to him. Mentally wise, I didn't even know the reason he was in this dump but it seemed as though he fucking enjoyed it in here. Which is rich because even the craziest of us don't exactly enjoy it in this shit hole.

"Hold on Gregory, I've gotta get something from ashton, Give me a minute." I turned to the nurse who was held responsible for bringing me to Kravitz. He sighed rather loudly and nodded, I ran over to ashton and tapped him on the shoulder, I slung myself in the chair opposite him and watched him take a drag. "Can i bum a smoke?" I asked him, trying to persuade him with a sickeningly sweet smile. He chuckled darkly and his staring intensified, " Give me a lil kiss on the cheek and you got yourself a deal sweetheart." He grinned widely, I rolled my eyes and swung my dangling legs of the arm of the chair, I walked up to him with a bitter taste in my mouth, What exactly is he gonna get out of a kiss on the cheek? Is he gonna get off at the thought of me kissing his cheek? I very hesitantly leaned in and gave him a light peck on the cheek, The sourness still burning the back of my throat. He giggled like a little school girl as he reached for the box of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, how sick. I took out a stick and threw the box onto the wooden coffee table, walking away without uttering another word to the self proclaimed man-whore Ashton.

I stuck it between my lips and walked up to the Gregory. Patients weren't allowed to carry lighters so every time someone needed a light they always had to ask a nurse, Gregory sighed heavily for what was probably the 106 time today, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter, torching my cigarette for me, I took a long drag and continued to walk along side Gregory, not bothering to make small talk to make things less awkward between us. I didn't see the point in talking to him because honestly from the way he carried himself he didn't seem to enjoy working here, so as the good Samaritan I am, I decided that it would be better if I didn't try to engage in a conversation and make the poor old blokes life even more miserable than it already was.

We arrived outside Dr. Kravitz office, Gregory knocked on the door and waited for a response to enter but instead we caught her in a middle of a phone conversation, Curiosity got the best of me and i decided to poke my nose where it clearly did not belong.

"Yes, We're ready to take him in today, it shouldn't be a problem, See you soon then." I furrowed my eyebrows, truly intrigued as to what she was going on about. who's 'him'?

"Luna, You can come in now." I heard Dr. Kravitz monotonous voice call out from the other side of the wooden door. I stepped in and tried my hardest to avoid questioning her, like i said, none of my business. She smiled at me wearily and directed me to sit opposite her.

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