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Nicole banged on Mary's front door, banging hard on it

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Nicole banged on Mary's front door, banging hard on it.

There was no answer, so she continued to ring the doorbell and knock on the door again.

In the middle of knocking, the door swung open to reveal Mary.

"Are you kidding me? You joined Cobra Kai!" Nicole asked.

"Yes, but—."

"What the hell!" Nicole interrupted.

"Let me explain! I'm joining as a double agent. That's why I wasn't there because I was at Cobra Kai! There's something fishy going on there. And I think it has to do with Tory. She's hiding something and I'm trying to find out what it is. I promise I'm not lying."

Nicole sighed. "Fine. Then tell me what you know."


"Sekai Taikai. That's what Cobra Kai is planning. It's like this world tournament in Okinawa." Nicole explained.

Mary had told her all of this when she went over her house.

"So, what do we do?" Sam asked.

"We have to tell dad. He can do something to stop them!" Nicole exclaimed.

"What would we do? Unless..." Sam trailed off.

"We entered the tournament."


So it was set, Miyagi-Fang were fighting to get into the Sekai Taikai.

That day, the people were going to be coming to decide if they got the spot or not and they had to get prepared.

"Dude, did you catch that video I sent you of last year's Sekai Taikai?" Hawk asked Miguel.

"Man, who knew people could kick that high?" Miguel replied.

"Or that hard." Robby added.

"Dude, seriously."

"I guess that's why it's the biggest competition in the world." Sam said.

"Like the biggest. People get famous from this." Nicole raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah! I heard last year's winners did a big commercial in Taiwan." Eli replied to his girlfriend.

"Imagine being in a commercial? What would you do with all that money?" Mitch asked.

"Buy a yacht with a hot tub. Fill it up with Smarties and hotties." Chris answered.

They all started laughing.

"I am so in." Nicole giggled.

Hawk stopped laughing and pulled her close by her waist.

"Alright, alright, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Alright, remember, Cobra Kai is gonna do everything they can to get a spot. And if they win this time, kids all over the world are gonna deal with the same kind of crap you guys have gone through." Daniel explained.

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