Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

I woke up same as every other day at The Burrow: Hermoine yelling at me telling me to wake up in time for breakfast. And, just like every other day, I ignored her, and tried to go back to sleep. After about another 10 minutes, she told me and Ron that if we didn't wake up right that minute, his mum wouldn't feed us breakfast.

I sat up, put my glasses on, pulled some pants on, and put my wand in my back pocket. I picked up that week's Daily Prophet and saw the front article "Voldemort Jr?" "HERMOINE?!?!" I yelled. "What?" She yelled back up the stairs. "Get up here!! Now!!" She came upstairs and walked into the room. "What is it, Harry?" I gave handed her the paper. "Oh my god..." She gasped. "Ron!! Wake up!!" Ron woke up slowly. "Whazzit?" "Voldemort has a daughter!" Me and Hermoine both said in unison. "WhAAAAAt?!" Ron's eyes shot open and he jumped out of bed. "See for yourself" "bloody hell... After all those Horcruxes, too... What do we do now?" He and Hermoine looked at me. "I dunno, I thought the war was over, don't look at me." "You never should have gotten rid of the Elder Wand, mate. You'll need it now more than ever." "Shut up, Ron" Hermoine told him. She sighed. "We should talk to McGonnagal. She'll know what to do. If not, well go to Dumbledore's painting. He's helped us in the past." We all agreed, and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Well good morning boys. Glad you could join us." Mrs Weasley said in a slightly sarcastic voice. We sat down and ate, and afterwards, Ron looked up at Mrs Weasley. "Hey mum, can we talk to you? Outside? Alone?" Ron tried not to make it sound suspicious, but he really is bad at doing that. She looked at us quizzically. "Sure, but it'd better be quick and important. Wouldn't want to burn your father's breakfast, now would I?"

We walked outside and Ron looked over at me. "Harry has something he needs to tell you." I looked at Ron, a bit shocked. "I do?" "Go on, Harry. Tell her about the newspaper." I sighed and rolled my eyes, knowing what Molly's reaction would be.

"There might be a heir to Voldemort's terror." She looked a bit shocked, but then angry. "You pulled me out of the kitchen, possibly burning your own father's breakfast, just to tell me this rubbish that 'might' be true?!" "No, it's in the Prophet, look." I showed her the paper. She looked over it, and then looked at the writer, and almost (if possible) even looked ANGRIER. "We'll it's written by Rita Skeeter!!" She almost yelled, "What do you expect from that lying, ugly, deceiving bitch!" "But mum-" "No buts, Ronald Weasley! This is a load of rubbish and you know it! There will be no more discussion I this!"

Authors Note:

I know, it's short. :/ I couldn't really think of a way to make them discover Voldemort's daughter and respond to it and end the chapter in a similar way as the first. Maybe some suggestions on what should be next? Oh, and btw, some chapters will have different parts. Different points of view of the storyline. ;)


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