Chapter 1

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Percy's POV:

I wake up and see Annabeth staring at me from the doorway. "About time you woke up, seaweed brain" "Sorry, I couldn't get to sleep again last night." I sit up and pull some jeans and a fresh, clean Camp Half-blood T-Shirt on.

"still worried about those monsters that keep popping up? Don't worry, we'll find a way to kill them" she says with a slightly worried look on her face. "You need to get to sleep more often, I don't want you fainting during practice or capture the flag" "don't worry about me, Annabeth, I'll be fine" I reply with a slightly annoyed voice. Lately, we'd been having monsters pop up, and no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't seem to defeat them. We tried seeking help from the Gods, but even they were unable to help. Annabeth rolled her eyes at me. "Whatever you say, Jackson. You better hurry up, almost time for breakfast." She walked out the door and towards her cabin to make sure everyone was up and moving.

I got up and picked Riptide up off of my nightstand and put it in my pocket. I looked up at the painting of my dad, Poseidon, on the wall. "Even with your help, these brutes are really hard to defeat" I thought of how we could get rid of these monsters, but I couldn't think of anything except trapping them in a sectioned off part of the woods, which is what we were currently doing. If you came across them outside of camp, you either accepted death, or ran like Tartarus for the camp border. I put on my boots, grabbed my jacket, and walked out of my cabin and towards the smell of food.

Authors note:

This is my first fan fic, so I hope it turns out good. :D If anyone has any suggestions or helpful hints (if I misspell something or use the wrong name), then please personal message them to me. Thanks. ^_^

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