nice person

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nice meaning                                                                                                                                                                        /nʌɪs/

: polite, kind. a very nice person. That's nice of you to say. : pleasing, agreeable. a nice time.
A whimper is let out as the boy is pushed into the hard metal lockers of the high school.


The teachers would do nothing but say despicable phrases of how students were so
ignorant. The three boys hit and kicked the boy as hard as they could, all they wanted to do in life was to make innocent poor people suffer more then they have to

"Fuck" the boy whimpered out as the last kick was knocked.
The weak boy just sat in a bowed down position with his left arm under his head and his right hand holding his stomach

"That's what you get you lowlife bastard" the bully named Jacob chuckled with his friends as seeing the poor boy softly crying

"Oh shit come on let's go"Jacob said to his friends as they heard the school bell ring' they ran away scared to be late to the strict teachers classroom

The boy had finally got the strength to get up so he did with a busted lip and a big stomach ache

He limped his way to class as it was first math he dreaded the teacher screaming and shouting at a idiotic student who wouldn't pay attention well the teacher scribbled letters and numbers on the green chalkboard

As he walked in class there were still kids running around with there friends oh how he wished to talk amongst friends that he could trust

He toke a sit and lad on his arms and looked out the window, seeing a cloudy day looking like it about to rain he was sad on how he doesn't have friends but I guess that doesn't matter because everyone considered him ugly and stupid.

He put his head up as the teacher open the door and walked in

"Good morning class"he said a bit out of breath as he was over weight and he smoked, how the boy dreaded the smell of smoke "we have a transfer student today please welcome her"he said looking back at the door a short girl walked in she was not smiling nor looking up she just stared at the floor properly hoping to get the hell out of there "everyone this is siamese" the teacher said again throwing folders on his table and sighed "as in siamese twins that's a stupid name" Jacob said "Jacob shut your mouth and sit down, anyway Siamese is mute so she will not be talking so just welcome her"he said more of an annoying tone making the boy shut his mouth as he sat back down

he started looking around and spotted a sit in the back corner right behind the boy "ok Siamese you can sit behind hoseok, boy put up you hand"the teacher looked at the boy as he raised his hand

The girl had started walking down between the tables as she suddenly tripped she fell right on the ground dropping her bag well the whole class laughed except for the boy who had just looked at her with sorrow

The teacher didn't even look at her as he was on his phone she got back up and started to walk again she got the table and put her bag on the floor and sat down

The teacher started teaching and the boy turned around "hey sorry you tripped by the way my name is hoseok as you heard" all the girl did was nod and looked down at her bag before grabbing a note book and a pen and started writing the boy watched as she did all that, after he turned and listened to the teacher.

I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter please leave a comment and vote I would appreciate it so much

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