Chapter 1: the background

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Matt POV:

Im so nervous for my first day of school. What will people think of me? Am I going to get bullied? What if I make no friends?

Matthew sturniolo walked up and down his room chewing on his fingernails and overthinking his first day on school.

"MATT SWEETIE YOUR GOING TO BE LATE COME DOWN NOW SO WE CAN GET GOING!" My mother Mary-Lou shouted whilst fixing Chris's hair. He was always a mess but didn't care, he just cared about impressing everyone at school with his new toy that he got from the toy shop yesterday. My other brother, Nick always isolated himself from me and Nick and always told us he felt left out even though he could always join us no matter what we are doing.

We are in the car and our mum drove us to school whilst I stared into the streets of Somerville wanting to go home. This was only my first day, how am I going to get through a while school year? Thoughts rushed in and out of my head , coming and going as I continued biting my nails until it started to bleed. I was in my own world battling with my thoughts when all of a sudden I got brought out of my trance and felt myself being shaken by an irritated Chris.

"Matt come in hurry up we are going to be lateeee" he moaned as he continued shaking me.

"Chris shut up and get your hands off me before I smack you in the face!" I roared back. I understand it was a bit viscous but I was full of nerves and Chris whining made it 10 times worse. I crept in the classroom to see a bunch of hyper kids drawing, jumping around, playing with toys and then I caught eye on a concentrated girl with her tongue out scribbling on a piece of paper. I couldn't stop myself from walking over there but when I did she looked at me confused and I just stood there looking like a freak while she glared at me.

"Uhh uhh hi!" I blurted out and my cheeks glowed bright red from embarrassment.

"Uhh hello there" she replied with a huge grin from ear to ear. She just giggled at me and made space for me to take a seat next to her.
" what's your name?" I mumbled but just loud enough for her to hear.

" my names Tessa, Tessa brown. What's your name?" She answered back and for a split second. I forgot my name.

"Oh- uh my names Matthew sturniolo but you can call Matt!" I giggled back and she joined in.



That's how I met my beautiful best friend Tessa brown. Ever since we met that day we have been attached to the hip. Everything we done, we done it in pairs. Any trips we had to bring each other along. Tessa would often stay the night because she has a bad life at home. She practically lives with us. She always sleeps in my bed with me and I have even cleared out a drawer just for all her belongings.


Authors note 💕:

Hi to anyone that's reading this. This is my first book and I'm still adjusting to the way Wattpad works. I will try make this story at least 15-20 chapters longer if you guys want it to be and there will be some trigger warnings such as self harm , swear words, drinking and more. I'm not sure if I will include these but i like to spread awareness. I will try to update every day and there will be a trigger warning at the start of a chapter that has something that may be disturbing. There is NO SMUT as that is disrespectful towards the triplets and this is only for fun so enjoy!!!

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