Chapter 2: parents

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Tessa POV:

I was just scrolling on tiktok until my phone starting vibrating and the name 'Loverboy 😘🤭🫶' popped up. I smiled whilst clicking accept and I turned the camera to the ceiling earning a frown from matt.

"Are you ok?" He asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why?" I responded a little confused. I had dry tears spread across my cheeks after I heard an argument happening outside my parents room. Lots of banging on doors, screaming and smashing.

"Tess. Tessa!" He screamed at me. Not going to lie I got a little startled and I think he noticed from the phone movements.

"Tessa sweetheart, show me your face." He had a soft and calming tone that I couldn't say no to. I slowly turned the camera towards my face and you could tell his heart dropped. His jaw opened and his eyes stared directly into the camera. All he could see was dried up mascara smudged around my face and my ratty, tangled hair.

"Tessa what happened?" He asked.I paused for a few seconds before answering him.

"Uhh my parents were fighting and I got a bit scared and then next second I was crying... No big deal." He glared at me with a look that said ' really?' So I spoke again and said "see" and grinned really big. He turned his camera away and in the background I could hear key jingling and I could see him slide a hoodie over his head. All he says is " open your window" and then hangs up. I'm confused but I listen to what he says and I head over to open my window. I peek about and I couldn't see anything apart from the midnight sky and the shimmering lights from the buildings.

A few minutes later I was on the verge of falling asleep when I felt my curtains rustling.
"Matty..?" I spoke slowly turning my body.

"Yeah it's matty. I'm right here sweetheart." He responds back climbing into my arm that I just opened for him. I cuddle into his chest and he just strokes my head sending me to sleep. He always knows how to comfort me when I need it. I'm so grateful for him.


Next day :

I woke up the next morning and smiled when saw Matt cuddled up to me. His hair was gently laid across his face int he most perfect way. His fingers intertwined with mine and his steady heart beat. I loved seeing him in the morning. I'm just staring deep into his face admiring all his incredible features .

" you know it's not nice to stare sweetheart" I jumped at first as I thought he was asleep but then I smacked his chest playfully and continued lying there whilst he let out a small chuckle. I kiss his cheek as a small apology for smacking his chest and he turns a deep crimson colour. I've never seen him blush so hard before. Anything he does snakes me blush.
I repeatedly think to myself. Why am I starting to develop feelings for Matt. Omg I've got feeling for Matthew bernard sturniolo. Omg omg I can't. It's wrong. Me? Why does this have to happen. He's jsut so perfect.

I pushed my thoughts aside and I grabbed my phone checking the time. It was 7:28. Great I'm up so early. I get myself comfortable on Matt and drift off again. I stir and wake up and he's still asleep. God this kid sleeps a lot. I look at him before debating whether to plant a kiss on his lips. I refuse and try to get up. I feel weight bring me back down as I turn my head to see Matt staring intensely into my eyes. He has the bluest eyes I have ever seen.
"Matt let go. I need to shower and get ready." I chuckle and he groans squeezing me one more time before letting me go. Out the corner of my eye I see him grab his phone and start scrolling.

I shower for a good 20 minutes before I change and come out.

"Finally!" He groans and hops out my bed to go get in the shower. I start my hair first and just as I finished Matt comes out of the bathroom all ready. He's only missing one thing. A shirt. I stared down at him only for him to giggle and come over and smudge the start of my makeup.
" you don't need that" he scoffs putting most of my makeup away. I just give in and go wrap my hands around his body.
I sigh.
"Matt thanks for being the bestest friend I could ever ask for. You have always been there for me no matter the circumstance and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. I stare intensely at his lips and he does the same. We both lean in until the door swings wide open. We both jump back and Nick comes into the room closely followed behind is Chris.
"What we're you two about to do?" Nick asks suspiciously.
"Nothing" I say confidently trying to make it seem like we weren't just about to kiss. Nicks eyes trail back and fourth between me and Matt before someone finally speaks up.
"Uh guys I'm hungry can we go get McDonald's" chis exclaimed making every turn to him.
"Sure I'm driving" matt said as he stormed out.

A/n 💕: hey guys I know I'm being a little slow with the update and that this challenger is very short but I'm going to try and update again today. If there are any mistakes in this that need to be fixed let me know so I can change them.

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