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Adrien was freaking out since he can go through walls and fly like a ghost. Is he really dead or is he dreaming? It doesn't make sense that his real body has a pulse. No one can hear or see him. He was really alone. He walked through the doors and is now outside but then got startled when a car went right through him.

"How can this be? Is this one out of my 9 lives wasted?" He looks at his transparent hands. No way was his time is up. He's too young to be dead.

"There has to be an explanation," Adrien said to himself.

Floating in the air, he tries to control his flight, "Whoa whoa whoa!" He tries to keep it steady.

He had to get back home and think of something on how to be alive again. Is he really in the death realm or is he really in the afterlife? He flew over to the mansion, into his now empty room. He stared at the basketball, trying to pick it up but his hands went through it.

"Damn it! I can't touch anything!" He exclaims.

"ENOUGH!!!" Gabriel shouted from his office.

"Huh?" Adrien was startled by the outburst and he phased through the floor and into his father's office.

"I don't care! My son's life is at stake! Find a professional doctor! I want my son back now!" Gabriel yelled at the phone.

"I'm sorry Mr. Agreste. We can only wait until he wakes up. Using defibrillators is too risky to use on someone in a coma" The doctor said on the phone said.

"You have a week to do something about it" Gabriel then said.

Adrien felt upset that he shows no concern, no sadness, and no care at all. But he heard that the doctor on the phone said he's in a coma.

"A coma?" Adrien was shocked. That explains why his body has a pulse and is on life support.

"Mr. Agreste, please, your son may have a chance to wake up but we can't rush him like that. Either be supportive or don't see your son at all" The doctor on the phone said.

"Fine. But he needs to be looked after 24/7" Gabriel said.

Adrien growled angrily at how unsupportive his father is. How can he be so cruel to not go straight to the hospital himself but send someone instead?

"Some father you are" He turns away in a huff.


The next morning, Adrien is back at the hospital since he saw his friends giving him supportive cards, flowers, and gifts into hoping he'll wake up. Marinette was not here, due to being scared to see his body in critical condition.

"Where could she be?" He wondered.

"You sure dudette couldn't come? I know this is breaking her heart but I know my dude needs her kindness" Nino said to his girlfriend.

"Just give her some time. This situation is too much for her" Alya said.

Adrien's cat ears flattened in sadness, "She has to be at her house" He figured.

"Oh, Adrien. My girl is very worried about you. What you did was very brave but stupid to scare all of us" Alya stroked Adrien's flesh hand.

At the same time, Adrien felt his transparent hand being touched. Like a tingle that he's not really dead but his spirit is still stuck on earth.

"Stay strong, dude," Nino said.

"Thank you for coming but visiting hours are almost over" The doctor.

"Okay, doc. Take good care of him. He's my best friend and I love him like a brother" Nino said and Adrien smiled at him saying that.

"We will. You can visit him again tomorrow" The doctor said.

"Thanks, Doc" Nino replied as he and Alya left the room.

He tried to pick up the card but his hand went through it. He tried again and felt it on his transparent hand. It was ghost energy.

"I better get used to this," He said to himself.

He then thought of seeing Marinette to make sure she's okay. Her trauma could be getting the best of her now. He played with his tail from the stress.

"She's probably not gonna see me like the others," He said.

He looks at his body and phased his hand through the chest, feeling Plagg is inside there. He gasped that Plagg must've gotten hit and fused with him. Which explains why Adrien has transparent cat ears and a tail. Both he and Plagg are in a coma at the same time. However, he couldn't hear Plagg in his head.

He had to go to the bakery now. He needed to see his princess and make sure she's okay. So he flew out of the hospital in the direction of the bakery. He's so scared that if he goes to the afterlife, his soul will leave Earth for sure. He flew slowly, trying to get the hang of it.

"I'm coming, princess," He thought as he flew.

Once he arrived, he saw Marinette sitting on the balcony, looking at the stars, "Oh Adrien, I just hope you can be showing a sign to...GAAAAAH! A catman ghost!" She screamed seeing Adrien.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! It's me! Wait! You can see me?!" Adrien was relieved that she can see him.

"Stay back! I don't want you haunting my life!" Marinette shrieked.

"Marinette, calm down!" Adrien backs away from going near her, "It's me, Adrien Agreste" He phases through the floor roof to lure her into the room.

"If you really are him, why do you have ears and tail like a cat?" Marinette came into her room.

"Uhhh.....I don't know. But I swear, I am Adrien. You saw the news, right? I jumped in to save Ladybug" Adrien said.

"Yeah, that was unexpected that you risked your life for hers," Marinette said.

"And now I'm a ghost and I'm in a coma. I tried to call out on our friends but no one can hear or see me. Only you can which is a miracle" Adrien said and Marinette walks up to him, putting her hand on his chest but it went through.

"Oh no! What if you're really in the afterlife?! You're too young to be dead!" Marinette panicked.

"My body still has a pulse so I'm neither dead nor alive," Adrien said.

"Oh my god! You are Adrien! Oh my god!" Marinette said.

"Yes, it's me" Adrien smiled.

"How is this possible? How am I able to see you? You're not here to haunt me?" Marinette was in a lot of process.

"That's what I'm wondering too, Marinette. I'm just as confused" Adrien replied.

"Oh, Adrien. What you did was crazy. Why did you save me, I mean Ladybug? Why did you save her?" Marinette asked.

"She was about to get hit by a deadly blast, so I had to save her. I couldn't just let her die" Adrien said.

"You could've died, Adrien. Everyone was so worried about you. But your father.....he didn't go to the hospital to see you. He only sent your bodyguard" Marinette said, feeling upset that her idol's dad is very unsupportive.

"As usual. I happened to overhear him ranting to the doctors on the phone" Adrien said.

"What?" Marinette gasped.

"He desperately wanted me out of the coma soon as possible. But the doctors said that it could take weeks" Adrien explained.

"Dear god" Marinette was shocked.

"I don't know. My father barely cares about me. All I want is to be loved by a loving father but all I get is ignorance from him" Adrien floats to the chaise, unable to sit on it.

"This behavior of his proves child services should be called" Marinette sat near him.

"And I'd be forced to move to London" Adrien sighed.

"Paris is your home, Adrien. Remember what happened when you were forced to travel with that liar? It tortured you a lot and you didn't want that" Marinette said.

"I know but when Felix switched places with me, he manipulated me again. I thought he could change but he lied to me. I never should've trusted him again" Adrien said angrily and he suddenly grabbed Marinette's hand physically.

"Huh? You're able to touch me" Marinette felt his grasp.

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