Blue Avis

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Adrien was having a bit of fun talking to Marinette since he needed a friend to talk to rather than be stuck as a ghost. He doesn't know how long his body will recover nor will he get back to his body. Nevertheless, Gabriel was still desperate to get his son out of the coma.

Adrien was asleep on the chaise, even though he tries to sleep but can't. Though it wasn't like his eyelids were transparent. He floated and went through the walls to clear his mind. He wanted to check his body at the hospital just to be sure nothing bad happens. He flew out of the apartment and towards the hospital. He can't believe Lila would be obsessed with him reviving his body as a zombie. Haven't Ladybug saved him, it would be counted as murder by Lila.

"Let's hope my body's safe," He thought as he hovered into the hospital.

The hospital was closing soon and the doctors went home. Only the security guards were staying there overnight to keep an eye on everything. He walked through the wall and into the room where his body is. The heart monitor showed that his pulse is normal as well as his other vitals.

"Thank goodness. Marinette's right I'm most vulnerable in this state" He leans near his body, "I can't believe that monster would akumatize someone just to use my body like a zombie" He thought.

He really wants to be reunited with his body but doesn't know how long his coma will come to an end. As well if he does return, Plagg will defuse with him.

Then he thought of visiting Nathalie in the other room since she's been in the hospital for 2 weeks with an unknown illness. So he hovered over there to see if she's getting better or not. Eventually, he found her room and she was asleep, her heart rate is a little lower than normal. He can't lose her now, not like this. How could his father not be supportive of her?

"I suppose this is why she quit working for him," He thought to himself.

"Gabriel......stop this.....madness.....Emilie......wouldn't want that" Nathalie spoke in her sleep.

"Hmmm?" Adrien got curious.

He floated near her bed to hear if there was more.

"You're...hurting.....Adrien" Nathalie mumbled.

Adrien was relieved to know she's on his and his mother's side.

"You're a madman, Gabriel" She mumbled too.

"Madman? What does she mean?" Adrien raised a brow.

Is she referring to his father that he's controlling Adrien's life just so his brand company stays alive? He thought it through and it did make sense Gabriel was in a way abusing him. Not physically but emotionally when it comes to photoshoots and campaign ads, it was like it was never enough for him.

"He's merely using me like a puppet on strings," Adrien said.

His betrayed cousin did tell him to stop letting his father tell him what to do but Adrien does nothing, "I'm such a fool, Felix was right" Adrien said.

But that's no excuse that his cousin manipulated him the same way his father does too. If he shows his face again, Adrien will make sure to haunt him. Like how real ghosts do. He looks at Nathalie and he prays that she gets better. Whatever illness it is, it's definitely not cancer.

"Goodbye Nathalie," He said quietly.

He floats through the wall and is now outside, sighing at how long he'll be literally alive with his body, "There's got to be some way" He thought.

Suddenly, he spots a figure coming this way towards the hospital, "Perfect, no one's here" The stranger said.

Adrien noticed he was Peacock-themed. That voice sounded familiar like his own.

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