Chapter 11

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I felt on edge. The moment I got a text from Dimitri that said Get to the hub, I was on edge.

I didn't know what was happening, but I knew that Alto was on edge too. He wouldn't tell me what was going on either. Christian couldn't stop pacing in the kitchen, hands restlessly clutching and unclutching. I couldn't understand why he was so worked up when it dawned on me why I was here.

"She's safe you know," I said. Christian stopped his pacing for a moment and looked at me.


"Lissa. She's visiting her grandparent before graduation. She's in the Hamptons," I said firmly, wanting to get my point across to him.

"How long will she be there?" Christian asked after a moment.

"Until Monday."

Christian let out a sigh and sat down on the couch across from me, his head falling into his hands.

"Is it obvious?"

"Only if you know what to look for," I stated. Christian sighed and looked up at me, worry etched over his face. I hadn't seen him display an emotion other than sarcasm or disgust before, so to see worry on his face made me feel a little sympathetic. I didn't know what was happening, and I doubt he did either.

"Do you know what's going on?"

Christian shook his head. "No. My aunt wouldn't tell me. I just know it's ruffled some feathers."

I nodded and stood up, no longer able to sit still. I picked up the cup of hot chocolate I had made myself and took a sip, grimacing at it.

"Bleh, it's cold," I moaned to myself quietly. Christian stood up and strode towards me, gripping the bottom of my cup for a few seconds. I looked at him with a twisted face as I felt the heat rise through the cup. I looked down and saw steam wafting up and I looked at Christian again.

"How did you do that?"

Christian smirked and held his hand up so his palm faced the ceiling. For a moment there was nothing but then there was a small ball of flame on his palm, a perfect ball floating there.

"Okay, that is kind of cool!" I said quietly.

Christian chuckled and let the flame die out. "Now you know how I never got caught," he said.

I scoffed and shook my head. "Of course, pyro," I laughed.

Christian shrugged and flopped back onto the couch with a groan. "I hope this doesn't last much longer. I want to go home."

You and me both, I thought to myself.

I walked out of the living area and into the library, skimming through the books. I didn't have anything in particular in mind, just something to fill my time. I craned my neck up to see some of the other titles and found one that caught my eye. I looked around and found a sturdy-looking chair. I set my mug down and grabbed the chair, placing it below the shelf so I could reach it.

Once I had the book in hand I made my way to the couch, laying on my stomach on the cushions. The book seemed almost too old to touch, but that just made me want to look at it even more.

As I read through the pages I realized that the book was almost like a guide to Ekons. I chewed on my lip as I read, unable to look away from the pages. The pages were so detailed, explaining the transitions from human to full-fledged Ekon. It seemed almost exhausting to go through the transition, and I remembered Dimitri commenting that the sight of his eyes was almost too much for him.

Near the back of the book, there was a section about mates and I flipped to it, skimming the pages. There were bits that I already knew; how the bond formed, how we could communicate and all that. But there was something else that caught my attention.

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